sabda Rasulullah : 'jiwa orang mukmin akan tergantung dengan hutangnya [iaitu tidak dihukum selamat atau celaka] hingga die menjelaskan hutangnya...'
Monday, February 22, 2010
weee...huu!!~ wut u gif u get back
yeszzz!!~ L puas ke tahap yg maksimum. padan muke ko. bear in ur mind dude, it juz a piece. remember! perempuan yg ko sanjung2...yg ko taburkan duit tu dah blah tinggalkan ko kan. rase kan. bawu ko taw rase bumi ni berputar mcm mane kan. bawu ko tahu ape rase org umah ko dibodoh2kan oleh ko yg kononnye bijak sgt. hahaha. hey dude, AHMAD FADLY bin apetah. i'm waiting for ur next karma. yeah. jangan harap akan dihalalkan hutang itu walau 1 sen. dunia akhirat.chow!~
Sunday, February 21, 2010
my sunday
hari ke4 puasa. hurff..~ tp sgt bangga bile angka di weight scale menunjukkan progression. illusion? maybe. hoho. awake as early as 06o0hrs. solat subuh...then bersiap untuk sum exercise. da lame tinggalkan activity tuh. hehe. tp dis morning nekad nak buat jugak. x dapat lama pun xpe la. at least buat. as a starter. kalo x mulakan...bile pulak?! keje baik jgn bertangguh2. nti mula la jd malas. so far puasa Alhamdulillah. xde meragam sgt. selepas buat 20 minit power walk..mula plan nak masak ape tuk berbuka nti. at 1st nak masak tauhu kukus berudang. tp, mcm leceh jek. so tukar plan.
today ade sgt banyak benda nak buat. kemas bilik. basuh baju. iron baju. huhu. but, zZzzZz...~
buzzz!!! hadei...~ sape jek la yg ganggu mimpi L neh. ishk. eh! its from my celcom la. my 'he'?? aah la. unfortunately i cant reply dat text since my credit expired. hoho. sorry dear. berguling2 dulu nengok tv sambil2 carik mood nak mulakan operasi mengemas. ;)
dah siap! siap lipat kain baju. basuh kain baju. iron baju jek belum. rehat jap sementara nak solat zohor. teringat semalam ade beli novel baru. Garis-garis Dejavu - John Norafizan. ntah kenapa smlm tertarik hati nak beli novel tuh. pd hal dah sedia maklum keadaan belanjawan tidak begitu mengizinkan. huhu. nawaitu asal ke kedai buku tu sebenarnye nak beli buku masakan. ade! tp x tertarik hati pula nak beli. hehe. dah belek2 isi dalamnye lebih kurg jek dgn dalam internet. xpe! next tyme ekh.
sempat membaca intro novel tuh. ishk! da dekat pukul 6! aisey..malasnye mo keluar pegi beli brg. tp..kena g gak. alih2 my nokia yg dah lame senyap sunyi sepi tu tibe2 buzzin. uiks. bia betul??! mcm x caye.haha. yes! its a call from my 'he'. ek eh. my 'he' still call me 'cyg'. mcm x caye. nada suara my 'he' sangat happy. mcm xde pape. kalo sha n babe tawu..sure2 those wonderwomen tu marah L. duh!! perasaan ini berperang lg. apekah?? ;P
belek punye belek. L dapat sume barang yang L cari. wut made me sad is, target expenses dalam RM10 jek..alih2 jd RM15. alahai. xpe3. for next investment. next tyme tayah beli dah. kicap masin. black pepper sauce - my yaya. ahaha. x nengok harga pun. terus jek beli. only because of da brand. wee..~
sampai jek kt umah..L smell sumtin fishy!! WTF..urgghhhh! L didnt noticed da expired date of da chicken. wuwuwuwuwuwu .T_T. hilang sudah semangat mo memasak. ishk!! spoilt jek. xpe. tetap teruskan jua no matter wut. siap 2 menu dalam masa setengah jam! hee..~ telur kukus & ayam kukus bersos tiram. manyak pulak makan arini. haha. anyway, Alhamdulillah. selamat sudah puasa hari keempat. moga2 diterima dan mendapat keberkatan dari-Nya. Amin. teruskan usaha mu L. aja2 fightin!! yeah..~
today ade sgt banyak benda nak buat. kemas bilik. basuh baju. iron baju. huhu. but, zZzzZz...~
buzzz!!! hadei...~ sape jek la yg ganggu mimpi L neh. ishk. eh! its from my celcom la. my 'he'?? aah la. unfortunately i cant reply dat text since my credit expired. hoho. sorry dear. berguling2 dulu nengok tv sambil2 carik mood nak mulakan operasi mengemas. ;)
dah siap! siap lipat kain baju. basuh kain baju. iron baju jek belum. rehat jap sementara nak solat zohor. teringat semalam ade beli novel baru. Garis-garis Dejavu - John Norafizan. ntah kenapa smlm tertarik hati nak beli novel tuh. pd hal dah sedia maklum keadaan belanjawan tidak begitu mengizinkan. huhu. nawaitu asal ke kedai buku tu sebenarnye nak beli buku masakan. ade! tp x tertarik hati pula nak beli. hehe. dah belek2 isi dalamnye lebih kurg jek dgn dalam internet. xpe! next tyme ekh.
sempat membaca intro novel tuh. ishk! da dekat pukul 6! aisey..malasnye mo keluar pegi beli brg. tp..kena g gak. alih2 my nokia yg dah lame senyap sunyi sepi tu tibe2 buzzin. uiks. bia betul??! mcm x caye.haha. yes! its a call from my 'he'. ek eh. my 'he' still call me 'cyg'. mcm x caye. nada suara my 'he' sangat happy. mcm xde pape. kalo sha n babe tawu..sure2 those wonderwomen tu marah L. duh!! perasaan ini berperang lg. apekah?? ;P
belek punye belek. L dapat sume barang yang L cari. wut made me sad is, target expenses dalam RM10 jek..alih2 jd RM15. alahai. xpe3. for next investment. next tyme tayah beli dah. kicap masin. black pepper sauce - my yaya. ahaha. x nengok harga pun. terus jek beli. only because of da brand. wee..~
sampai jek kt umah..L smell sumtin fishy!! WTF..urgghhhh! L didnt noticed da expired date of da chicken. wuwuwuwuwuwu .T_T. hilang sudah semangat mo memasak. ishk!! spoilt jek. xpe. tetap teruskan jua no matter wut. siap 2 menu dalam masa setengah jam! hee..~ telur kukus & ayam kukus bersos tiram. manyak pulak makan arini. haha. anyway, Alhamdulillah. selamat sudah puasa hari keempat. moga2 diterima dan mendapat keberkatan dari-Nya. Amin. teruskan usaha mu L. aja2 fightin!! yeah..~
Saturday, February 20, 2010
another 1 blog!! yeah..whereas im sharin my experience of strict diet.
dats da challenge babe!
steamed food recipe.
" xnak kt awak sbb sy xtaw awk besssaaaaar mcm ni..."
dats da challenge babe!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
da vacation [chapter : sha + babe = my wonderwomen ]
1 rumah mangun lewat! hoh? unbelievable. hahahaha. sib bek kok mek [panggilan tuk akak kak ila] terjage. kalo x...memang kes naya la. dah la bus kul 083ohrs. ishk. cepat2 bersiap. breakfast. then abg ipar kak ila hantar ke stesen bus. manyak jugak L mam!!! hik3. as L said before..on my way to KL. babe n coming. yeahh!!
reached KL at 10o0hrs. lebih awal dr jangkaan. dekat jek upenye pahang n KL. from KL about 0830hrs and reach KL about 10o0hrs. ishk. about 1hr jugak menunggu sha datang. jumpe sha kalo x gossip memang x sah. ahahaha. ade jek modal wee..~ lepak wangsa walk. sbb sha nak cari selipar cantik buat modal g keje. sekali rembat 2 pasang woo..!hehe. i like dat way. L beli a little evil. nak replace key-chain kunci scoot yg tercicir tyme merempit aritu. lepas mam waffle ice cream @ A & W wangsa walk..we ol move to JJ Kepong. waitin for Mrs Babe and Mr Aris. rushin jugak tuh. L nak kena catch for da bus.. sha pulak at 160ohrs ade hal.
tunggu punye tunggu..akhirnye wanita berpipi gebu itu pun smpai! huh!! siap paw L tuk lunch lg tuh. adeii..~ xpe babe. my treat. hehe. asal jumpe jek..gossipin. ngumpatin. laughin. normal tings but still happenin. hehehe. n now, im startin missin u gurls. really miss u ols. ;(
by 150ohrs we ol gerak balik. L tumpang babe ke stesen komuter kepong sentral. hadirat bangla + vietnam punye la ramai. oih!! x lalu la nak xnak terpakse jugak naik tren tuh, otherwise L will wastin more tyme. sampai kt stesen mane tah...tren delayed. perghh!! i tot malaysia public transport services already improve. rupenye x lg. Subhanallah. da la org punye ramai kat dalam tren tuh. macam2 bau ade. aiyarrkkkk!!! n tis is malaysia toward 202o?? adeii. do sumtin pliz! tren delayed especially tyme peak hour is NORMAL. sampai KL jek da kul 1608hrs. da la platform kt stesen KL da tukar. jawohhhh!! memang giv up. rushin g Puduraya. sgt panas. sgt penat. sib bek ade tiket!! kalo x memang L haruk 1 puduraya tuh. hahahaha. balik ke Kamunting..L naik bus double decker u ol. blum keluar KL pun..L dah terlena. zZzzz..kepenatan. to me...Ariff. a traveller from singapore. x sempat interview pun..L sgt keletihan. n sleep is my priority. sorry ariff.
reached KL at 10o0hrs. lebih awal dr jangkaan. dekat jek upenye pahang n KL. from KL about 0830hrs and reach KL about 10o0hrs. ishk. about 1hr jugak menunggu sha datang. jumpe sha kalo x gossip memang x sah. ahahaha. ade jek modal wee..~ lepak wangsa walk. sbb sha nak cari selipar cantik buat modal g keje. sekali rembat 2 pasang woo..!hehe. i like dat way. L beli a little evil. nak replace key-chain kunci scoot yg tercicir tyme merempit aritu. lepas mam waffle ice cream @ A & W wangsa walk..we ol move to JJ Kepong. waitin for Mrs Babe and Mr Aris. rushin jugak tuh. L nak kena catch for da bus.. sha pulak at 160ohrs ade hal.
tunggu punye tunggu..akhirnye wanita berpipi gebu itu pun smpai! huh!! siap paw L tuk lunch lg tuh. adeii..~ xpe babe. my treat. hehe. asal jumpe jek..gossipin. ngumpatin. laughin. normal tings but still happenin. hehehe. n now, im startin missin u gurls. really miss u ols. ;(
a delicious waffle. sha like it.its yummy!
little evil from wangsa walk ;)
by 150ohrs we ol gerak balik. L tumpang babe ke stesen komuter kepong sentral. hadirat bangla + vietnam punye la ramai. oih!! x lalu la nak xnak terpakse jugak naik tren tuh, otherwise L will wastin more tyme. sampai kt stesen mane tah...tren delayed. perghh!! i tot malaysia public transport services already improve. rupenye x lg. Subhanallah. da la org punye ramai kat dalam tren tuh. macam2 bau ade. aiyarrkkkk!!! n tis is malaysia toward 202o?? adeii. do sumtin pliz! tren delayed especially tyme peak hour is NORMAL. sampai KL jek da kul 1608hrs. da la platform kt stesen KL da tukar. jawohhhh!! memang giv up. rushin g Puduraya. sgt panas. sgt penat. sib bek ade tiket!! kalo x memang L haruk 1 puduraya tuh. hahahaha. balik ke Kamunting..L naik bus double decker u ol. blum keluar KL pun..L dah terlena. zZzzz..kepenatan. to me...Ariff. a traveller from singapore. x sempat interview pun..L sgt keletihan. n sleep is my priority. sorry ariff.
da vacation [chapter : 150210 - i'd made da decision]
adeiii. beg sgt berat untuk dikendong. ase mcm mo tahan cab jek. xpe la. dekat jek pun. huk huk. smpai kt stesen bus temerloh...
singgah jek bebola mata ni kt text message tu..L da ase nak berjujuran air mata neh. huk huk. bukan la kate nak pujuk suh stay 1 hari lg ke.nak jumpe lg ke..xde. suh balik lg mo. adeiii...~ my instinct dah bg bad sign. n i hate dat. hehe.
so, fikir punya fikir...L'd made decision tuk menerima pelawaan kak ila. melepak di rumah beliau untuk sehari smlm. ok la tu kan. at least lepas jugak hajat L nak melawat beliau. biar pun sudah menjangkakan akan berlaku ketidakselesaan itu. memandangkan umah kak ila ramai org. by tis moment, L mmg terlintas rase menyesal yg teramat sgt. tp xpe least dpt buat beberapa perkara. Met Miss Pinky. n now..will meet sis ila. better than nutin, aite? n then, L beli tiket ke KL esok.
so..sehari di Temerloh Jaya. malam tu we ol pegi pasar malam. L sempat grab 2 pcs of shirt ke dress. tah.haha. - people there used to call dat area as TJ ;)
L : kak..tiket bus ke Taiping ade?blurrrr...~ xpe! text my 'he' dulu. harap2 la ade any gud sign.
kakak kt kaunter : bas baru jek jalan dik. kul 11 td
L : ke. sehari ade 1 bus jek ekh?
kakak tu : aah. tp kalo adik cari tiket pun mmg da abes smpai 18.
L : [terkesima...perghh!! smpai 18 xde tiket. adeii!!]
L : yang...tiket bus Taiping xde la..abes smpai 18..
my 'he' : dahtu? mcm mane?
L : dunno la...~
my 'he' : g KL xde?
singgah jek bebola mata ni kt text message tu..L da ase nak berjujuran air mata neh. huk huk. bukan la kate nak pujuk suh stay 1 hari lg ke.nak jumpe lg ke..xde. suh balik lg mo. adeiii...~ my instinct dah bg bad sign. n i hate dat. hehe.
so, fikir punya fikir...L'd made decision tuk menerima pelawaan kak ila. melepak di rumah beliau untuk sehari smlm. ok la tu kan. at least lepas jugak hajat L nak melawat beliau. biar pun sudah menjangkakan akan berlaku ketidakselesaan itu. memandangkan umah kak ila ramai org. by tis moment, L mmg terlintas rase menyesal yg teramat sgt. tp xpe least dpt buat beberapa perkara. Met Miss Pinky. n now..will meet sis ila. better than nutin, aite? n then, L beli tiket ke KL esok.
so..sehari di Temerloh Jaya. malam tu we ol pegi pasar malam. L sempat grab 2 pcs of shirt ke dress. tah.haha. - people there used to call dat area as TJ ;)
special menu from kak ila. nyum3 ;p
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
da vacation [chapter : 150210 - Plan B]
awake at 0630hrs. solat subuh. tibe2 dapat ilham untuk..balik ke taiping hari ni jugak. tp...macam mane kalo my 'he' kate nak jumpe mlm ni? ishk. rindu la pulak. xpe la..satg la pikir. zZzZZzz... -_-
hoh??!! gud morning temerloh. waduh! juz wake up at 0830hrs. ololo. selesanye tdo bertemankan bantal busuk ku. ngah3. owh! ye rum package siap dgn breakfast skali. 1st tin in da MHI. it is a MUST. hehe. then..about 09o0hrs baru la terhegeh2 nak bersiap g breakfast. aisey. baju sume dah kotor. ishk. breakfast tyme. lalalala..~
ketika sedang menjamu breakfast....
arghh. x membantu langsung. but, u noe wut guys. i can see a very big different now. hehehe.
after finished up all my food...i'd made my decision. go back to Taiping. since, L x nampak ape sebab tuk L stay kt Temerloh tu. balik bilik. kemas2 barang. then, check my FB jap. tibe2...kak ila buzzed me from YM. OMG! sgt tepat pada masanyeh. kak ila said dat she's now in pahang. hospital leave. ade ekh? hehe. dunno la. fyi guys, kak ila neh baru jek disahkan menghidap kanker tiroid. hehe. which mean, kanser. she juz 27th. huk huk. hope kak ila tabah. L dari cuti Thaipusam hari tu lg dah plan nak melawat beliau ni. tp, ade jek halangan. n now, seems like...ini la kesempatan L nak melawat beliau. hoho. i've got my Plan B now. but, 1stly kena check ticket dulu. here are sum shots before leaving 3o4. ;)
a shot wif my bb ;P
wahai cermin. sapekah wanita paling anggun kt dalam bilik 304 neh?? ;P
makmur cookies. delicious! ;)
hoh??!! gud morning temerloh. waduh! juz wake up at 0830hrs. ololo. selesanye tdo bertemankan bantal busuk ku. ngah3. owh! ye rum package siap dgn breakfast skali. 1st tin in da MHI. it is a MUST. hehe. then..about 09o0hrs baru la terhegeh2 nak bersiap g breakfast. aisey. baju sume dah kotor. ishk. breakfast tyme. lalalala..~
ketika sedang menjamu breakfast....
L : abang...morning. ika rase ika balik taiping hari ni kot.
my 'he': nape? boring?
L : yep. i've got nutin else to do here.
my 'he' : [sepi...]
arghh. x membantu langsung. but, u noe wut guys. i can see a very big different now. hehehe.
after finished up all my food...i'd made my decision. go back to Taiping. since, L x nampak ape sebab tuk L stay kt Temerloh tu. balik bilik. kemas2 barang. then, check my FB jap. tibe2...kak ila buzzed me from YM. OMG! sgt tepat pada masanyeh. kak ila said dat she's now in pahang. hospital leave. ade ekh? hehe. dunno la. fyi guys, kak ila neh baru jek disahkan menghidap kanker tiroid. hehe. which mean, kanser. she juz 27th. huk huk. hope kak ila tabah. L dari cuti Thaipusam hari tu lg dah plan nak melawat beliau ni. tp, ade jek halangan. n now, seems like...ini la kesempatan L nak melawat beliau. hoho. i've got my Plan B now. but, 1stly kena check ticket dulu. here are sum shots before leaving 3o4. ;)
a shot wif my bb ;P
wahai cermin. sapekah wanita paling anggun kt dalam bilik 304 neh?? ;P
makmur cookies. delicious! ;)
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
da vacation [chapter : temerloh - da small town but bigger than my hometown]
meneruskan perjalanan from tanah tinggi genting at lebih kurang jam 110ohrs. singgah di R n R Genting Sempah. at dt moment, in my head berlegar2 lg news pasal helikopter terhempas tu. hehe. n reached at dat small town about 1330hrs. my 'he' bawak ronda2 town jap. accompany him beli pizza. not bad. lengkap dengan basic facilities. usha2 hotel tuk melepak mlm ni. Green Park Hotel. Jelai Hotel. finally, i choosed Jelai Hotel since Jelai Hotel dekat dengan town. tuk Green Park Hotel jauh cket. so, my 'he' left me there alone. while my 'he's busy wif his project. next, check-in!
urmm.2 stars.
urmm.2 stars.
melepek di hotel for da whole day. kepenatan. the day before pun not enuf rest. juz wake up at 1830hrs. adeiii. rushin bersiap nak jalan2 kt town. suddenly dapat message dr Miss Pinky n she said dat she'll come at 20o0hrs. hokayh! i've got 1 1/2 hours to lepak2 around. berjalan lebih kurang kt town then balik bilik. im gettin bored...n i missed my 'he' ;(
Monday, February 15, 2010
da vacation [chapter : Genting Highland - Danau Kota - Hot Spring ]
well, memulakan perjalanan pd jam o042hrs. guess wut. im available at Simpang @ 1830hrs actually. waiting for a cab memang la seksa. da tahan 2 cabs before mmg xnak berhenti. pacik cab itu memang sgt berlagaks yeh. xpe! sabar...~ dah dekat sejam tunggu akhirnye ade jugak yg berhenti. fuhhh..~ so, trus mintak pacik tu hantar ke Simpang. awal pun awal la..janji x lewat. from Taiping to Simpang cost me RM9.00. xpe la. its all for my date. hahaha.
so, tersadai kat Medan Simpang tu from 1830hrs...huh!! 6 hours to go. adeii. sgt lame. but i haf no option. otherwise i haf to pay extra for cab. tu pun kalo ade cab. kalo petang td pun da susah nak dapat..apetah lg malam. n then, depart from Simpang by 0042hrs. seksa! but, sempat
captured few shots. lalala...~
finally..~ reached at tanah tinggi genting by 04.30am! huh! im frozen. haha. last tyme went to genting when i'm waiting for spm's result. 2002. its 8 years ago. whoa..~ its a long tyme kn? nak tengok ape perubahan yg dh berlaku la kunun. ngeh3.
so, tersadai kat Medan Simpang tu from 1830hrs...huh!! 6 hours to go. adeii. sgt lame. but i haf no option. otherwise i haf to pay extra for cab. tu pun kalo ade cab. kalo petang td pun da susah nak dapat..apetah lg malam. n then, depart from Simpang by 0042hrs. seksa! but, sempat
captured few shots. lalala...~
my best selipar. da lusuh. huk huk. ;(
finally..~ reached at tanah tinggi genting by 04.30am! huh! im frozen. haha. last tyme went to genting when i'm waiting for spm's result. 2002. its 8 years ago. whoa..~ its a long tyme kn? nak tengok ape perubahan yg dh berlaku la kunun. ngeh3.
juz wake up from my sweetdream.0430hrs at tanah tinggi genting ;)
waitin for my 'he' to come. lame gak la. almost 1 hour. since my 'he' also not so familiar wif no wonder la kalau die pun lost. aite? hehe. at the last...[my 'he's fav quote.. ;P] i found him! hoho. sib bek. n then, we spent our morning together. chattin..hangin around.n myself still 'busy' wif my facebook. its a 'great' morning actually. huk huk. ;(
but, out of 'he' got an emergency call. well, actually L dah agak da tis ting will happen. kan betul! plan had changed. NO Genting Highland. NO Danau Kota. NO Hot Spring..its a 'GREAT' summer holiday lah. so..bermula la detik perjalanan seorg pengembara. wee...~
but, out of 'he' got an emergency call. well, actually L dah agak da tis ting will happen. kan betul! plan had changed. NO Genting Highland. NO Danau Kota. NO Hot Spring..its a 'GREAT' summer holiday lah. so..bermula la detik perjalanan seorg pengembara. wee...~
Friday, February 12, 2010
da J.our.N.E.Y
i'd bought da ticket! XD...from kamunting to genting.errr, hang on a second! not kamunting la. its from SIMPANG. macik yg kt kaunter tu slumber jek...'naik kt simpang ye cik..' hoh? wut da heck! adeiii...~ i tot its easier. hurmm. n now i have to depart from simpang. my 1st tyme! blur. da la ticket at 0o0oa.m. tp must available at bus station by 11.30p.m. uwaaaa! im terrified. STARMART. 0o0ohrs. SIMPANG. Ya Rabbi...~
can see da words "NAIK SIMPANG" clearly?? hurff..~ petang ni mesti mo usha2 area tuh. how's da condition. mcm mane nak g sane. my feeling da bercampur2 dah. x terluah. :-s
on da way balik dr beli ticket. my head da mula plan tuk perjalanan esok. tu la...nak sgt challenge kan..haa! hamik! padan muka L. hehe. oh! i will start my journey on Valentine's Day la. hahaha. 14th Feb 10. whoa..~ kalo ikut perhitungan...will arrive at Genting by 5.30 in da morning. kesian la pulak kt sang pria pojaan hati ku itu nak kena menunggu. but, NO OPTION.
im supposed to go to temerloh. plus, da janji dgn Miss Pinky to meet her. but, si pria pojaan hati ku itu ade plan lain pulak..mcm mane ni ekh? kompius la! x sampai hati nak kecewakan Pinky. adeii..~ let see da plan esok mcm mane..then will decide. hope to see u babe. =)
on da way balik dr beli ticket. my head da mula plan tuk perjalanan esok. tu la...nak sgt challenge kan..haa! hamik! padan muka L. hehe. oh! i will start my journey on Valentine's Day la. hahaha. 14th Feb 10. whoa..~ kalo ikut perhitungan...will arrive at Genting by 5.30 in da morning. kesian la pulak kt sang pria pojaan hati ku itu nak kena menunggu. but, NO OPTION.
im supposed to go to temerloh. plus, da janji dgn Miss Pinky to meet her. but, si pria pojaan hati ku itu ade plan lain pulak..mcm mane ni ekh? kompius la! x sampai hati nak kecewakan Pinky. adeii..~ let see da plan esok mcm mane..then will decide. hope to see u babe. =)
valentine's day
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
bulan madu awan biru, tiada yang menganggu
'...saat yg bahagia. dtg sekejap saja...'- saloma
~ X! it will remains. yeah. andai korg nak kate L tengah di lamun cinta..yup! yes i am. betapa tika dan saat ini hati berlagu riang.
tp..semalam. detik2 itu sgt mencemaskan. haha. dun ever jump to ur own conclusion. pliz!! sang pria pojaan hati ku itu da remind berkali2 pasal hal tu. tidak! masih jugak berdegil. nak merajuk la kunun...sedih sgt la tuh. ;P
we haf another arguement yesterday. n again, da troublemaker is me. terdorong untuk click kat 'inbox' in his facebook. naaahhh..~ dat's da startin point. i had read da message. aiyaakkk!!~ tergamam. terkaget. tercelaru. blurr. its all make me blurr...~ x_X
so, myself simply buat tindakan refleks. stay calm. relax. but, dengan pandangan yang semakin kabur and sambil tersedu sedan mengelap mukus yg laju jek keluar dr sistem pernafasan neh. yeah. dats how im calmin myself. hoho. bertanya dgn hati. wut shud i do ekh? tanye? buat x taw? teruskan merajuk? mintak pendapat siapa? duh! daya fikiran dan firasat hati bergaduh tuk
buat menang. but, selepas sistem otak kembali berfungsi dgn baik...L'd decided to sent a text to my 'he'.
L : sayang...ika bace message kt dalam inbox awak..sorry ekh.
my 'he' : message yg mane?
L : ade message tuh. awk bukak la sendiri facebook awk...
my 'he' : amboi...guy or gurl?
L : [sepi...~]
tp, respond sang pria macam xde ape2 yg berlaku pun. relax. aik?
ting worst when myself reject his call. n. his doing sum reverse psychology. hoh?! L x abes majuk lg die da majuk pulak. adeii..~ n now my turn to panic. sang pria cube hati mcm xleh nak terima. merasakan..segala penjelasan itu bagaikan mencurah air ke daun keladi. x tinggal kan kesan langsung. tp..selepas ditenangkan, diceritakan..lastly L tergelak sendiri. ahaha. mengenangkan kebodohan diri yang cemburu x berasas.
at nyte.sebelum terlena, so... my routine manja2 n gedik2 dulu dgn sang pria. ahaha. at last, die mengaku jugak yg die cemas petang td when my mood turn off. lantas..zZzz ;)
" MR.j,
i love u so much sayang
no matter wut..."
-pwincess L-
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
secawan white coffee
L : sayang...bla..bla..bla.
my 'he' :ok..bla..bla..bla
L : tp kan sayang..err..aarr [while myself put my eyes on my lappy. means. im NOT CONCERNTRATE wif wut he said...]
my 'he' : ape yang errr...aarrr tuh? u haf a lot of err..arrr la sayang.
L : [i'm pissed off!!] bukanlah!! ---> wif a bit high pitch.huhu
and...the mood and emotion terus berubah. from happy switched to stress and stiff. adeii..~ at 1st, myself memang la xnak mengalah. haha. cuz L rase ape yg L buat tu betul. since, by dat tyme L tgh chat wif my friend bout my 'he's business. lookin for a prospect to pump-in capital. dunno la!!
my 'he' : sayang..are u ok?
L : ok jek.
my 'he' : are u sure? where's ur mood? i want ur mood...[keep begging me.. ;) ]
L : [firmly said...] i'm in my mood!
my 'he' : ye ke? mcm x jek. dah la. tayah cite bab tu lagi. skip. let's talk about us.
L : ok...~ [but, x ikhlas. hahahah]
hurrfff..!!~ called me bad. we haf our 1st argument last nyte. n i noe dat. HURT. suddenly tersentap. bukannye pria pujaan hati ku itu x pnah tegur bout my habit tu. tp, dat 'errr...arrr' is actually for me to susun ayat properly. im not givin an excuse. tidak. tp, kate org...ckap bia berlapik. bia 2 2 pihak puas hati. seems like i cannot change dat.
L yg x paham keadaan die yg sedang tertekan. maybe. hurmm. tp, it's effected la. i cant sleep! felt so guilty to my 'he'. si pria pujaanku itu terlelap without say anytin to me. sedih! T_T.
"...duhai kanda pujaan hati...rayuan kasih cinta abadi..." - ujie rashid
tis morning, sang pria pujaan hati L ni try to makes ting like usual. tp, ade rase bersalah yg bersarang in my heart. well, actually i want to tell him dat i missed him damn much. tp, kelu. tuturan lidah n tingkahan hati berperang sesama sendiri. lidah nak hati x bagi. huh!! so, L ikut hati je. ego la kunun. after a short conversation, my 'he' asked me..'where's ur gudbye sayang?' and i simply n slumber answered...'bye..'.without feel anytin. i noe wut he's tryin to tell me. x_x
how do i live without u-pwincess L-
Sunday, February 7, 2010
l.U.f 'N' d.e.s.t.I.n.y
we both like langit dan bumi. huh?? tp, bukan ke langit dan bumi saling memerlukan? [skrip nur kasih!] dun care..^^,
'i want nobody...nobody but u...' eh!! x terlambat lg kan kalo nak wish birthday tuk my 'he'? haha. was born on 1st! Feb 1982. n now he is 28! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAYANG. thanx for being here by my side no matter wut. i luf u so much. n of course ika ade sumtin tuk sayang. sabar ekh!
to haf my 'he' around make me feel safe and comfortable. walaupun die jauh nun kt daerah nan makmur tuh and myself ade kt bandar warisan, tp sentiasa rase dekat. sha n babe, ur advices had been taken. stay away from those person who was born in june and sumwhere from batu pahat. n now, my 'he' dun has such criterias. thanx sistas!
allrite. lets talk about my next coming vacation. urmm..will be in pahang. wanna haf sum fresh air plus, i've never been there before. at first nak g perlis. tp, sbb da pernah g perlis sebelum pilih pahang la. all i need to do now is to survey sum budget hotel to make sure my budget running nicely. n by bus ke bt train yeh? hurmm. rase mcm nak by train. more intresting. lets check the route n timetable.
'i want nobody...nobody but u...' eh!! x terlambat lg kan kalo nak wish birthday tuk my 'he'? haha. was born on 1st! Feb 1982. n now he is 28! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAYANG. thanx for being here by my side no matter wut. i luf u so much. n of course ika ade sumtin tuk sayang. sabar ekh!
to haf my 'he' around make me feel safe and comfortable. walaupun die jauh nun kt daerah nan makmur tuh and myself ade kt bandar warisan, tp sentiasa rase dekat. sha n babe, ur advices had been taken. stay away from those person who was born in june and sumwhere from batu pahat. n now, my 'he' dun has such criterias. thanx sistas!
allrite. lets talk about my next coming vacation. urmm..will be in pahang. wanna haf sum fresh air plus, i've never been there before. at first nak g perlis. tp, sbb da pernah g perlis sebelum pilih pahang la. all i need to do now is to survey sum budget hotel to make sure my budget running nicely. n by bus ke bt train yeh? hurmm. rase mcm nak by train. more intresting. lets check the route n timetable.
seems like i'm going to huf a very long journey. taiping - triang. taiping n transit at KL before i can proceed my journey to pahang. hurff..!~ mcm sesuatu yg memenatkan. haha. tp, for new experience, i tink i will take the challenge. y not!! ^^,
so, pahang!! here i come. wait ekh! ;)
so, pahang!! here i come. wait ekh! ;)
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