yup. the worst part is...u are ugly with no brain. ouh! so damn annoying. well, L dgn berbesar hati nak pesan dekat semua gadis-gadis kt luar sana sebelum menyembur berhengat2 dulu level of intelligent kite ni di tahap yg mane ekh. jgn sampai 'kepandaian' kite tu makan diri kite balik. pastu dan2 nak cover, ' i saje jek buat u bengang sbb nak tgk u mcm mane..' duh! so old-skool. for me, kalau that person is not competent enough to fight with me, so..L akan mengalah. cewah. mcm mulia sgt kan? hahahaha. xde la mengalah mcm tu. kenalah ajar cket A B C tu mcm mane. kalo x kang..tetap jugak beliau tu nak menongkat langit kan. puh-liz!
scene : tengah syok2 melayan video ML minggu ketiga. alih2 dpt msg. no yg sgt familiar! pasal mamat ni hutang L dah berabad. huh!
Proton_Izan : Halo. Im gf a.zizan. after he pay u d balance. Don’t u ever dare ask him to pay any payment of d house. U n ur family 2 much. Ckp mcm taik
[ouh! menggigil jgn ckap la..mmg berdebor sgt! tp L reply jugak..]
L : Tyvm. May ALLAH bless u both.
Wc. Alhamdulillah hrp2 ko dapat rase btp rasenye menyusahkan hidup org
[ek eh..minah ni mid life crisis ke hape2 tibe2 nak emo nih..?]
L : Well. What goes around comes around. I believe ALLAH with me. Ask ur bf to keep his balls. I don’t know u and im not dealing with u. Is that wrong if i am asking what is mine? Fyi, he never kept his promise. Never once.
Proton_Izan: Wat balls babe? <---------- [THIS IS THE FUNNIEST PART EVER!!!]
L x reply... n then..
Proton_Izan: Kl dah tau cite la..
[errkk?! mst die dah pk something else neh...wallawei!]
L replied: Nothing much to tell. As i mentioned before, im not dealing with u. Honey, next time please ensure ur beauty comes with the brain ok. So, daaa..~
alih2 die bengang da..: Wteve he is mine. U bête mention it. Ssh sng kmi rsa brsma..n u r blind of it...suppose 2 b u use ur brain, dear. Hope u njoy wteve u do. X pyh tjk baik klo hati busuk..
[damn!!! she thot L nak amek bf-beliau-yg-tak-seberapa tu?!!! aiyooo0!] hahahahahahah.
L: Hati i busuk? So hati u wangi sgt la kan? Ur bf just not my cup of tea. hello. like ur bf drives 5series BMW. Puh-liz! Shesshhh. I AM NOT A BITCH.
beliau balas dgn rase x puas hati: Whtever lps abeh die byr utg u 2..tlg jgn cr die lg..g r minta htg umh kt org yg sewa umh fmily u 2 dn knekan dirg lk cm ne u knekan bf i..i dh lame ngn die, i tawu ssh nye die abes ngn byr umh 2 smpai sen pn xleh smpan utk our marriage. N i cant stand of this anymore! N u know die jd i dgn baik..
[ni skrip amenda plak ni? adoyay!! dah masuk bab jage menjage tepi kain plak ni? ape kena mengena ni weh?!!!]
L: U ni janda dr Pahang tu ke? [short n simple!]
n then: x..die dh tinggal...k lh kak g tau ya2..kak ngn a.izan dh bertunang hjg bln 12 t.lps..mcm2 dh kak lalui dgn die. Klo ble nk settle masalah yg ade..
[ouh! reti ckap elok2 gak die ni upenye..well, ok!]
L: Kalau dr td ckap elok2 kan xpe?i’m not a little girl yg xde otak nk berfikir. Clear? Sy x ksah ape hubungan akak dgn die. Non of my business. Hutang yg sy mintak tu hutang bln 9 n 10 tahun lepas. Brape kali die berjanji nak bayar? Sy dulukan duit PTPTN sy sbb pk die tu kwn sy. Just kwn. Fyi, my bf drive 5series bmw. Tp jgn la buat kwn mcm ni. Call x jwb. Msg x bls. Sy bukan jenis cr pasal dgn org la kak. Sy taw limit sy. Sy hormat die sbb die lebih tua dr sy. Sy xtaw knape mst die nak berhabis tuk rumah tu. Sdgkan ade penyewa lain. Kak pun xyah la nk serang2 sy mcm ni. Mcm sy plak berhutang.
ok. ade banyak lg part2 kelakar yg minah ntah asal usul ni buat. but enough with that. she thot she's older than me so she could say anything that she wants to. LIBERTY? ehem. beliau ni rase beliau jek yg ade hati nak marah. abes hati L ni mulia sgt la kan boleh tahan sabar dgn msgs kurg ajar dr beliau.thanks ALLAH. i got the strength. yg penting...sakit perut sbb tergelak dgn kepandaian minah ntah asas usul ni. i know she try to be a savvy to her bf. tp beragak la. finally, L berjaya jugak menang kes ni. senang jek. kalo bf die tu gentleman, meh la face to face. tayah la nak guna gf lak tuk msg2 ni. tahpape. chicken! ok darlings.
MORAL: kalau org tu tgh jd api kita cuba jd air...time die dah nak jd air tu. time tu kite simbah die sampai basah lencun. jgn bg peluang pun ekh! love uols. Mwahhhh!!~