then, trus nak ke departure hall pasal solat subuh x buat lagi ni. and L stucked with new 'F' procedure from AirAsia. owh! this time, i have no place to escape. nak xnak kena register luggage. damn! 12.5kgs. huhu. nak xnak terbang jugak la rm40 kan. i dont mind to pay the price. the problem is, it is a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG queue. ok. sobs. Ya ALLAH, please help me. Al-Insyirah kt dalam hati ni xtaw la dah brape banyak. dah la da lambat, skang ni tgh beratur panjang lagi tuk register luggage. hurmm. then, AirAsia yg sangat bijak tu bukak kaunter khas tu flight ke TGG. owh! should you guys more ALERT about passenger's situation. after register my luggage then L terus rush g departure hall. and its another LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG queue for custom checking. while waiting for my turn, i heard they announce my name. 'panggilan terakhir untuk penerbangan ke Kuala Terengganu. perhatian untuk cik Siti Noordzaikha, tah sape lagi tah, and ade lagi sorang...' oh, man! famous jap L. hahahahaha. tp, tolong la. dah la x tdo. then pagi2 ni kelam-kabut mcm ni lak. penat.
get into departure hall, L dah mula berlari2 anak nak ke pintu P6.. sudah tentu saje perbuatan itu mengundang perhatian dari bebola mata yg banyak kt dewan berlepas ni kan.. i managed to catch the door. n bile nak tolak jek..its LOCKED! WHAT? &*^%$#@
drama 311210
mamat AirAsia : eh, cik nak ke mane cik?
mamat AirAsia : TGG belum lagi cik. tunggu jap ekh.
L : what? but i heard they call my name..?
mamat AirAsia : flight cik pukul brape?
L : 7 in the morning
mamat AirAsia : belum lagi cik. tunggu ekh. mungkin ade kesilapan teknikal tu.
L : owh. ok. [tah L yg berhalusinasi ke..tah mamat tu nak sedapkan hati L ke.tah la!]
when i turn back, ok. i got they eyes shot from other passengers who are waiting for the door to be opened. relax L. wat cool jek mcm xde org kt situ. hahaha. terus rewind balik part L tolak pintu tu. kuat sangat ke td? sengal! and, terus terpandang jam kt dinding. owh! another 2 minutes to 6.30am. HELL! kan dah malu x pasal2. tu la...kalo ade jam kt tgn kan xde la kejadian pagi ni berlaku. seriously, i really need a brand new watch since i lost my casio at somewhere. maybe tertinggal kt masjid rasenye. so, berjalan dgn laju seolah-olah sedang mengejar sesuatu yang penting...padahal nak cover malu kan..terus menuju ke kiosk yg jual coklat tu tuk merembat my favourite hawaiian host - chocolate covered dry roasted macadamia nuts. done! got a call from lovely syu. actually, ade gak rase terkilan dgn AirAsia pagi tu. serious. xpe L. learned from your experience ok. :(
touched down at TGG on 8.00am. ALHAMDULILLAH. pintu bilik terkunci. exhausted. period. malas dah nak ikutkan rase hati ni. biarlah.
moral of the story : GO AND BUY ANOTHER WATCH! ty ;)
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