plan xde ape pun. hurm. loser me. should i more focus. ini x..lg leka ade la. ni sume salah ym! cewah. dan2 salahkan ym. hahaha. banyak2 benda yg dirancang. L cume buat o.o1% jek..which is..jom masuk u carnival! haa..~ ade jugak benda yg x berapa dirancang berlaku. i change my celcom line to digi. puas hati! nyampah tol la ngn celcom customer service. bajet cam bagus. yg tinggal celcom skang ni cume broadband jek. well..nasib baik la yg tu pakej bulan jatuh ke riba..kalo x ase nak terminate jugak. xnak ade kaitan langsung dgn celcom dah.
customer service experience with celcom xde la best sgt. jujur ckap, cs celcom yg kt terengganu mmg sume bajet cam bagus. huh!!! so, au re voir celcom. guess what, i will definitely let others know about this matter. x kire la sape pun jd duta. Fahrin Ahmad ke..Maya Karin ke..selagi korg x upgrade mentaliti cs korg..mmg x ke mane la.
ouh. terima kasih bulan kerana sudi 'baling' broadband tu tuk L ;D
well, today..i am introducing my new boutique. cewah. butik konon. saje jek try market. yg penting L dah cuba..kan?! i am selling brand new range of funky lenses at only RM40. ;)
semalam, chat ngn abg izan jap. hurmm. bukan topik yg sgt menerujakan untuk dicerita. berat mata membaca..berat lagi otak L ni nk berfikir. well, both of us come out with 1 result. to terminate kak fifie. sorry la kak fifie. i have no option. if you are in my shoes, i believe you will do the same. i am doing my business, bukan welfare. sorry sgt ekh.
ouh. bercerita pasal mata chantique tu kan...ade cite di sebalik nye. hehe. lain yg L cari lain pulak yg dtg. jodoh ke? hahaha. naa..~ hopefully x la. ade ke doa gitu? patutnye amin la kan bile dah ade peluang dan ruang yg mcm tu. hehe. senget. L cume doa yg terbaik. terselit jugak rase gundah gulana kt dlm hati ni. haila..~! semestinye perkara itu di luar jangkaan.
td..Mr. Bard ade say hi kt ym..n come out with the question..'dah ade bf ke skang ni..?'. BOSAN!
well, it is o3.00am now in Malaysia. and Manchester City, England now is 20.00pm. motif kire waktu di Manchester City..? adelah!! hahaha.
ok la. time to say goodnight sweethearts! i love u. Mwahhh!!~
p/s - tidur ketat2 k *wink*