zahid has engaged. most probably will get marry this year. ntah2 dah kawin kot. ingat lg babak air mata bercucuran bile taw yg die dah bertunang. damn u zahid. hehe. well, joey will coming soon. hopefully all of them will happily ever after. Ameen! kalian adalah pasangan yg terbaik untuk pasangan kalian. ALLAH Maha Mengetahui.
to Shana, selamat mendirikan rumahtangga juga. 2 months before joey. so sorry. mmg time tu pack gile darling. akak doakan dr jauh ekh.. Happily ever after k ;)
well, to me! let it go L. just let them go. u are holding them for nothing. learn!! jari-jari berlari di keyboard Aspire 4551 tanpa rase. ahahaha. adoii. entah mane letaknya perencah2 hati tu. hrmm. esok ade test phonetics and phonology ok. jawapan2 tu xde dlm kad jemputan diorg ekh. so tayah la nak sedih sgt. xde maknenye! [another side of me spoken..hrfftt..~!]
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