four months end! my last day at home. mcm x caye jek cuti 4 bulan dah berakhir. dah tercium2 'bau' terengganu. and, banyak yg L belajar untuk 4 bulan ni. hehe. inhale. exhale. prepare my mind for my new 1st semester of 2011/2012 session. new roommate. of course! new gossips. hahaha.
azam semester baru - siapkan assigment awal2. pay more attention in the class. more proper time management and financial management. bla..bla..bla.. normal la tu kan? haha. but end of the day, same jek dgn 2 sem lepas. hehe.
yg pastinye, sem yg akan dtg ni more busy. sebab ade aktiviti ko! duh..~! somebody used to asked me - x penat ke belajar? frankly speaking, i have no answer for that question. all i know, i will never stop to learn. will i get the chance to go to France? well, we will see. :)
org yg sedang belajar - kan best dah kerja. every month ade income. hurmmm.
org yg sedang kerja - bestnyela belajar..~ xyah serabut kepala!
fyi, i was in that both situation. dah merasa jd pelajar. dah merasa bekerja. tapi, kepuasannya tu lain uols. 5 years in working industry and what's the reason for me to further my study back? answer -----------------------------------------> the satisfaction. itu jek. bukan pasal duit. tapi, pengalaman 5 tahun tu gak yg memberi gambaran what is my passion. the real passion. yes, i got the clue. :)
ok darls, dalam hidup jgn berlebih-lebihan. just besederhana. but, be yourself. the real you. stop being fake. sampai bila pun hidup nak bertopeng, betul x? easy for you, and easy for people around you.
be safe my darlings. stay sweet and be beautiful. always. calins et baisers. bonne nuit mon cheries. je'taime. Mwaaaaahhhhh!!!~
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