new place, new event with new people. normal. miscommunication, rumors, blur picture also normal. so this time i got to know Lynn and Suzy from Islamic Finance. they was the reason why i refused not to stay together with the girls - af, tira, jaa and shima. plus, i prefer to be alone since i don't have to stick along with the clique for the event. its boring ok. the rest - faid, od, raimie, sharman, azim, nadia, sheera, fiza, jee, syudek, wawa, ada, rafik, lynn and the rest of the team.
it was a nice journey but not a very nice vacation anyway. hahahaha. i got to know the real skin color of somebody. i used to trust this person so much and i thought she can be trusted but unfortunately she is not. it is o.k to have some 'break' after you have to struggle with all the hectic schedule of yours. but, the first rule is - KINDLY ENSURE YOU HAVE CLEAR EVERYTHING. only then you can enjoy your holiday or your vacation. i just dont understand with her attitude; fyi, this is not the first time she acted this way. in previous time she used to left everybody with a big question mark in our head. pfttt! come on. for once, it might be not your intention. but if it still happen again and again and again that is mean - its all bout you and yourself. people had talked about you from last two semesters babe. not only this semester. not only this time. what make me feel more disappointed is when people look at you with your so-called good reputation but actually you are not that good. i can see that you tend to put priority for such issue which is actually not that important. obviously, you work for recognition. and also, you tend to make your choice as your excuses and you will rely 101% on it. bhahahahahaha. loser! well, may you have some luck for your future.don't you ever dream to be a leader. and, exaggerating and bragging as well. to seek for attention maybe. or try to stand out of the crowd. or both. lalalalala...~if you dont know so much about it just said it. you dont have to pretend like you know everything. what's the point?
o.k. enough about that somebody. for this time MAKUM decided to make FESTKUM as a festival and not a competition, instead. so, a week in JB for FESTKUM was actually a tough week for those who were not participated for the event. hehehe. nothing much to do. but it was a very sweet memory though. terubat sudah rindu pada suasana JB.
UniSZA - UniKL - Felda Adela - Plaza Angsana - Stadium Perbandaran Pasir Gudang - UniKL - UniSZA. Finally, now in UniSZA. i feel good.
goodnight peeps. be safe. je'taime. calins et baisers. mwahhhhhh!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LA FIN<3!
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