my dietician advised me not to believe the weight scale. yeah! all that u need to do is to focus on your efforts. exercising become a bit tense. but, yeah.. i need to give some force. looking at other people who are bigger than me, i used to wondering how much is their weight? hekkk. jahat kan? tak! bukan macam tu.. i'm just curious bout myself. *hepp! look at yourself L. u better worry bout urself rather than thinking about other people.*wink!
40kgs to go! go L. cewah! hahahahah. oklah. buhbye! time my boo away is the time for me to shopping or berjalan2. haha. bye boo! love u.
all right. starting from this month I will try to change a little bit of my diet. whereas I will try my best to avoid any oily food and to choose raw and soupy foods as my priority. less oil is better. sama jugak dengan ayammm! i will try to find other protein sources instead of chicken. *hakkk!
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