Assalamualaikum readers. thanks sebab sentiasa menunggu my update. memang suka intai dr jauh kan? ouh! terima kasih jugak sbb doakan yg baik-baik utk me. mudahan makbul doa tu. amin.
nothing much to update - because me taknak ada yg salah paham dgn apa yg me post. lain org lain cara kan. ada yg jenis - baca, tanya and bincang. ada pulak yg jenis - baca dan buat kesimpulan. so, okay. takpelah. terpulang pd cara masing-masing. tp kt sini me memang harap sgt yg membaca dapat la bertanya dan berbincang. what i've said might be not like what you are thinking of. just share with me bout your thought because i am very open for any discussion. tp biar kena cara dan medium ye?
btw, i would like to share about my research which titled "THE APPLICATION OF EMOTICONS IN TEXTING: GENDERS VS CLOSENESS" - Alhamdulillah. i got a solid A for the paper. from this research, i found that different gender apply emoticons differently. men apply emoticons as a leisure in communication but women apply emoticons as to emphasize the words. and, style of communications were different too. Men tend to be more straight to the point while women were not.
from that point - when #MH said "okey. sy xnak cakap pape. klu sye salah sye mintak maaf. selamat hari raya. jaga diri. bye."
and he meant it.
dan, itu sebabnya me taknak jawab apa-apa. taip... padam. taip... padam. me memang tak kuat nak berbalah dgn die. biarlah. to those who know me well, me bukan perangai yg nak panjang-panjangkan kes. me tak buat kesimpulan pun. memang ada banyak benda nak tanya, nak kan penjelasan. but, what happened is happened. he chose to close the case and i choose to move on. salah me jugak yg terlebih prihatin dan ambil berat. so, yes, i am not going to say yes or no. he knows my prays. i ask Allah to take away everything which is not good for me. perhaps, Allah dah makbulkan my doa.
usaha dah. ikhtiar dah. tawakal yg ada. and, i leave everything to Allah. because He knows me better than others. Jzkk readers.
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