habil mmg sumua org die sakat. sampai ke dak2 yg jage cafe pun die sangkut. yg ni mmg x makan saman sbb die makan nasi kan. tp tegur la mcm mane pun die tetap dgn perangai die jugak. mangsa keadaan selalunya Hadi. ade jek modal die nak sakitkan hati Hadi. ada pun si Habil ni single but not available.
tp..dak Hadi ni temperature die lain mcm cket. cepat je nak sampai maksimum. nak bergurau ngn die elok2 cket ekh. dah makan kasut saiz kaki die kang jgn tanye nape. single but not available. good-looking person. ade time2 sengal gak dak ni.
last but not least, park lee. kuat jugak menyakat. he's the second after habil. cool and relax all the time. x pnah lg tgk die marah rase. good-looking. status single but not available. beliau ni mmg sgt2 la boleh diharapkan. mmg jarangla nk kate x kalau mintak tolong. ouh. yg ni sengal die pun kdg2 x terkawal.
jodoh dey'ol kt UniSZA. get and stick together. they just completing each other. hadi from melaka. park lee and habil from the same area, perak. i just wonder, what if...there are only 2 of them instead of 3?
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