sepetang di terminal one. mencari kedai untuk merepair camera. but i found, NON. so, mcm biaselah menghabiskan mase di tempat kegemaran. KEDAI BUKU. one and only kt terminal one tu POPULAR. sume buku L nak raba. nak ramas. sume buku L nak beli!!!! urghh. anyway, L survey jek dulu. and L found few interesting books. especially yg ade title French tu. tah hape namenye. x hengat. sinopsis menarik. and L x terperasan buku tu ade kt MPH ke x. cumenye x boleh nak beli sebab mmg tgh pk nak setelkan masalah camera tu dulu. only after that baru nak tambah koleksi lg...sebab ape L gunakan perkataan 'koleksi'? sebab..~ actually by now L ade 3 buku yg x terbace lg. HLOVET - CONTENGAN JALANAN. and another 2 books that i bought from MPH on the last time i went out with shimot and ilah. itu pun verangan sgt nak beli yg lain kan? another book is CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET - SOPHIE KINSELLA. my favourite author ;)
so, azam untuk jangka masa pendek: menghabiskan membaca ketiga-tiba buku itu! only then baru boleh beli yg baru. urk..?! boleh ke? hehe.
well, L about to let go my skate. reason: i have no time to spend with. so, better let go jek. sape yg berminat? RM350 only! ;)
MASALAH JIWA: hurmm. i'm just like a loser. i dont know why it is only him that i'm thinking about. OMG! it stucked in my mind. i hate that. ngantuk!!~ hope mimpi manis lagi mlm ni. tempts a dormir. bonne nuit mes cheries. je'taime. Mwaahhh!!~
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