counting the days..~!! 3 days to go. org lain tgh berseronok kt umah kan. xpe la. nak buat mcm mane. kejap je 3 hari tu pun. 3 bulan boleh tunggu xkan la 3 hari x boleh, ye x? :)
end of semester 3! in another 2 weeks, ketawa sambil menangis tengok result plak ye. haihhhh. memang taw dah result x ok sem ni. tawakal je yg boleh membantu buat setakat ni. sobs. sobs. soalan : macam mane nak buat2 happy?! :P
lately, i feel like i am comfortable with somebody. yeah. we used to be closed before. but not now. i just hate the way that person bragging about her daily life. bla.. bla.. bla.. which i think its kinda annoying. so, not to say anything but just keep on eyes on that person. well, que sera sera. what ever will be, will be. the future is not our to see. may ALLAH bless her and her family. ameen. :)
allright darling. je'taime!
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