my heart is taken. :P. but i am not in my honeymoon mood. just biasa2 jek. may ALLAH make me stronger day after day. kind of excited to have someone who could understand me well. but, yeah.. talking about the realistic. mana ade relationship yg perfect sgt kan? mesti ade jugak masalah. bukan paranoid, just be prepared. asking myself - am I ready for that situation? the situation of misunderstanding. the situation of... anything. it could be anything in a nowadays relationship. my friend told me to let it goes with the flow. she's right.
6 days to go before the date! ouh. last night Mr Saiful called me and asked me to attend a course for SIFE. me and another 2 boys. i really hope Asma will attend this course too. i miss her so much. i miss her big eyes. hehehe. her eyes is bigger than mine. i am jealous!!! :P
today is kak ngah's birthday..~!!! happy birthday kak ngah. sorry for not wish it earlier. budget constraint! hahahaha. its ok. i know you could understand my situation yg berada di kejauhan ni kan kak ngah? ahahha. may Allah make it easier for you. may the 3rd baby will be as good as Noorin Qistina and Ariff Danish.
somebody in love! not me. it's the other person. well, i knew from somebody else. woww. May Allah bless them both. what else to say. x kan la L nak kate - well, i nak tengok. panjang mana sgt la jodoh dey ol tu.. ;P awal2 lg L dah perasan yg this girl memang ade feeling kt that boy. come on. it can be seen clearly ok. ouh. sape jek yg x teruja dgn pencapaian mamat tu. any girl will definitely fall in love with him. dgn gaya poyo2 slumber die tu. haishhh. jealous ke L? hahahha. he is far younger than me. so what? :P
well, today i had an appointment with my Mr. Cavity a.k.a malaikat pencabut nyawa tuh. May Allah make it easier for me. it is a gloomy day in Terengganu. but i hope the rain will not pour for today. i really hope. i have to wait for more than a month for this appointment ok. Mr. Dentist, please be kind to me. please.
ok darlings. be safe. nakal biar bertempat ok. calins et baisers. je'taime. mwahhhhhh!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA FIN<3
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