well, nama baru dalam industri seni negara. barulah kot sebab L pun baru jek jatuh cinta dengan watak lakonan beliau neh. dengan beliau in real life L x jatuh cinta kot. laki org neh. :P watak2 yg beliau ni pegang sgt natural. sgt slumber. buat L geramm! hahaha. bukan geram apa ok. because he has the very slumber look. bukan jenis yg mmg sedia handsome. very stereotype character tu. x. as i mentioned before, dia mcm ade auralah. woww woww wee..~!! but, yeah. he's not available. married to Tisha Sahar. L x pnah tgk cerita Juvana @TV3. tp L pnah tgk Selagi Masih Ada @Astro. ok. that time L start fall in love dgn karakter lakonan beliau yg sgt slumber. sgt cheeky. macam sgt sesuai je watak tu dgn tuan punya badan. hebat x mengkritik? heroin dlm selagi masih ada tu pun sweet jugak. storyline cerita tu memang best. from that story i learned about something. never stop to tell a person that you love how much you love him/her. no one knows what will happen tomorrow. :)
i'm not the only blogger yg sibuk bercerita pasal Beto Kusyairi ni. blogger lain dah bersepah dah. thus, good luck and all the best for Beto Kusyairi. :)
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