we were out for a date at Amcorp Mall. so sempat menyinggah kat A&W tuk makan ice cream waffle yg sgt sedap tu kan. ok then nak g Subang Parade. konon2 nak tgk wayang. so my bf kena bayar parking. RM4. my bf masukkan rm5. in another few seconds i heard the sound of 'ketiinggggg...ketinggggg'. something dropped in the balance slot. at the first place i thot it was the 'token' to pay the parking. but actually it was the new coins of Rm.0.50. excited!! that was my first time. suddenly my bf said : u will keep it one. and i will keep another one. keep it safely ok. bring it anywhere you go :D
huuuuu..~! such a romantic moment! an unexpected thing from my from. so this is the coin that i have to keep. he has another one. my bf is not like my other x bfs. this time is so different. tapi L la pulak yg ade mood sgt mengada2. sgt bergantung harap. sebelum ni xde pun. hurmmm. sabarlah hati. ;( *missing him a lot* lately dia dgt busy. next month lg la busy. fyi, L dah booked tix nak balik KL. semata2 nak attend one of his important day. will see him in June. and after that will only come back to my hometown on July. will definitely meet him again. cepatlah industrial training. boleh together2 all the time! *gediklagi* :P
wokayhlahhhh!!!! malam ni ade meeting SIFE lg. SIFE M will come to meet the UMT's team. i wish to set a meeting with them too. hopefully everything will be ok. insyaAllah. amin! be safe darling. je'taime. calins et baisers. mwahhhhhh!
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