Monday, September 26, 2011

- akak ke cik? ke puan?

my current issue! actually not only now. awal2 masuk kt UniSZA ni pun da ade masalah tu sebenarnye. i was born in 1984. so i will become 27 in another few days. cewah. iklan plak. hahaha.  masalah problem sekarang ni, when i meet people who are more senior than me.
contoh 1 : ade seorang staff kt pusat Ko Kurikulum UniSZA tu junior L time buat diploma. guess what. skrg dah jd pegawai kt kampus ni. what should I call him? engkau aku jek? but, with my respect, i have to call him 'Encik'. even though once upon a time he was my junior. as to be fair, meletakkan sesuatu di tempatnya. so, panggilan 'encik' tu memang layak la untuk die kan? plus, die pun boleh terima dgn hati yg terbuka. but! during our personal conversation die tu engkau aku jek dgn L. simple kan?

contoh 2 : staff Pusat Seni dan Warisan. she is younger than me. 23 - 24 mcm tu. L ni nak panggil die akak, serba salah. because she's younger than me. x sebut perkataan 'akak' tu serba salah. nti die fikir kite x hormat die plak. nak dipanggil puan die pulak rase x mesra. see! so, as the simplest way, L pun mcm budak2 yg lain jugak la...panggil die ni 'akak'. plus, she supported her idea with, 'xpe la.. lg pun sha dah kawin. dah ade anak. ok jek kalau chika nak panggil sha akak pun..'  L ok jek kalau panggil name. siapa pun die L tetap hormat die selayaknye die. x semestinye L lebih tua makna L lebih bagus. come on. such issue never come across my mind. siapa pun anda, saya tetap menghormati anda selayaknya anda perlu saya hormati. :)

2 different genders. same issue. different view. and, i can say lelaki x risau pn pasal umur dan hormat kerana pangkat ni. because, ade jek berumur tapi otak senteng mcm budak2. unlike women. we are the other way around. err... 'we' ke?! hehehe. fyi, ade jek my classmate yg x panggil i 'akak'. i ok jek. and even i feel younger. hahahaha. my x boss used to say : MENJADI MATANG ADALAH PILIHAN. so, if u choose not to be, u will not to be. :)

till here my darlings. L nak intai2 assignment kejap. be safe ok. calins et baisers. je'taime. Mwahhhhh!

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA FIN


arieza said...

akak.. adik nk tanya sikit boleh tak?

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