Saturday, March 22, 2014

- i'm done

Assalamualaikum. happy Saturday readers! after went through a painful night yesternight, i have made a conclusion and i am ready. i am done with helping and what's left were just my responsibility.

i am no more interested to update, to ask, to concern, to anything related to the issue. because, what's the point then?

selfish? i was selfless last night. but no more. time for the exception.

btw, today is a productive day for me - altering my RP and in progress for the first chapter. insyaAllah, everything will be all right by tonight. and also, i managed to have my 6th meeting with my supervisor. i love it. i love it. *heee! not literally i met her but i sent her an email related to my RP. she promises me that even though it is only an email, still it will be counted as a meeting. *hoyeah!  it is easy breezy to deal with Mdm. Sally.

a reminder:every hardship comes with hikmah. be thankful with what you've been through even though u never thot you were that strong to face the difficulties. but, when Allah chooses you to seat for the test, it means He is there to assist. what else? Lahaulawalakuwataillabillahila'zim.

Ok readers. Take care. Bonne nuit. Jetaime. Aurevoir. jzkk.


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