Dear busuk's gf,
Here are some notes for you to study about ur bf a.k.a my bff:
- membebel. He hates it so much.
- downgrade him. It means you disrespect him.
- ask for food-hunting. He's not that type.
- prepare vegetables. He does not eat green leaves.
- prepare fish. He eats siakap only.
- milo! He stomach gets intolerant w/ this drink.
- hide ANYTHING from him. You just put yourself in trouble.
- get jealous w/ his scandal. You know who.
- get jealous w/ me. Because he loves he. *kidding!
- check his hp. He will share w/ you everything.
- watch horror movie/drama. He HATES it.
- respect his family and cousins.
- ribena and coke are enough. Both of them must in original flavour.
- trust him. Because you have too.
- good foods! Yet, he doesnt ask for expensive treat all the time.
- straightforward. He hates long intro.
- listen to him. He is a spoil brat. He needs your attention.
- support him. Eventually, he will change. He will.
- be serious when he is serious.
- handle him with extra care. He is not a typical malay guy.
- stay up for the whole night.
- mumbling while he is sleeping! So, listen to him carefully.
- merajuk! So far, i x pernah pandai/tahu pujuk dia.
- clean shirts, clean pants, clean shoes with clean socks.
- jaga hati org yg dia sayang. Like, totally.
***If he said "DONT", you better dont do it. I have done my part. Now, its all yours.
***Dear babe, not all happy relationship must have marriage-happy-ever-after ending. To some relationships, that's the limit.

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