Thursday, May 19, 2011

- setahun!

setahun sudah berlalu..~ LONE RANGER. akhirnya. x sangke la. misi berjaya. hahahaha. speaking of that, semalam kak ngah ade la bg hint konon2 nak buat ta'aruf. penah haritu sekali L istikharah...rase dah nekad dah tuk berta'aruf ni. tp bile kak ngah sebut pasal mende tu semalam terus rase seram. hahaha. i dont know why. adess. PARANOID. maybe.

bersiap-sedia untuk jadi PA merangkap org gaji merangkap pengasuh kepada ma dan babah saya. bukan mengasuh my parents la.. of course la Nina and Anish. that 2 naughty kids. adoyay.

Ariff Danish + Noorin Qistina

so, untuk bulan May ni sempat keluar dgn shimot and dak ilah. both of them MPP. only me who are Pro-M. cewah! hehehe. sempat la nengok wayang cite THOR versi 3D and selebihnye melepak di MPH sampai dieorg nak tutup kedai. perghhh. semua buku nak pegang. hehe. and...finally. only 2!

CELCOM ouh CELCOM. i hate myself when i am angry. because, automatically i can speak in English fluently. ngee..~ nak try marah dalam bahasa French plak la lepas ni. *grrrr* terkilan sangat dengan CELCOM ok. keep on promising the same thing. hello! i try my best not to tell them that i am angry but they seriously make me pissed off. hamek!!~ jenuh berpantun dengan consultant yg name Syuhada tu. sorry la dear. i didnt mean to scold u. but i have no option. other wise u 'll just take my case easily. pfttttt...~

syuhada : allright Miss. is there anything else that i can help u with?
L: nothing much. just send my regards to your floor manager. [HAHAHAHAHA]

confirm dak tu bengang pasal elok jek td L marah die pastu dan2 nak menggatal pulak. ouh. rase sengal sgt. ;P

hokayh. that's all for today. stay sweet my darlings. may ALLAH bless us. be safe! I LOVE U. Mwahhh...~!


siti noor aznieha said...

wah...anak2 ibu bukan main lagi kalau bercamera both of you.....

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