Tuesday, June 28, 2011

- Malaysian mentality : when you are dark, you ain't pretty

urmm..is that shows that they are jugdemental? haaa..~ sape nak jawab tu uols? hehehe. betul la pepatah lame ade sebut:

'...dari mata turun ke hati...'

versi mat saleh plak:

'...first ten second impression. aww..~!...'

hye darls...~!! sape setuju dgn tajuk entry L kali ni? put your hands up. allrite. sebagai tuan punya kulit yg x berapa nak cerah ni kan uols, mmg L akui pun. Malaysian thought, the fairer the better. tp yg tu masalah pada kaum hawa sahaja ekh. but i tell u what, i am proud with my hot-chocolate skin color. it makes me fitter and sexier. plus, ORIGINAL.

:: hot-chocolate skin color ::

noorin qistina ismail is now four years old! ouh..~ mujur jugak A2200 dah keluar dr ward. kalau x..berbalas pantun jugaklah dgn tukang beli tu kan. hehe. i just want to share some info darls. for those who had problem with their digital camera, kindly refer to your distributor. other wise, mmg uols akan nampak duit tu terbang melayang mcm tu jek. my case, sebelum decide untuk hantar service warranty pada Canon, L ade jugak kt kedai2 biase neh. problem die cket jek..'LENS ERROR. PLEASE RESTART YOUR CAMERA'. fyi, mmg xde button 'restart' pun pd digital camera ekh. so tayah l bazir mase nak terbelek2 camera uols. time L survey2 tu..sampai ke Terminal One. ade 1 kedai boleh buat. tp, RM250. ayat tokey tu senang jek..' amoi. kalau lens rosak ar...xboleh buat ape. mesti tukar lens jugak..' $_$

:: my new life ::

oleh yg demikian, wah! ayat skema. hehe. L cuba nasib gak rujuk pada Canon. and with one simple call, my problem settled. tp kan..1 thing yg uols kena aware, servis warranty mmg amik mase. 3 weeks. xpe la lame pun..at least x terbang duit. kan? so, sebelum buat ape2, baik uols call center dulu ok. kalau center kate x boleh nak buat ape, then baru uols cari alternatif lain.

back to birthday girl. ALHAMDULILLAH. semua berjalan dengan baik. walaupun Mak Long beliau yg gorgeous ni terpakse turun ke dapur tuk siapkan roti jala ekh. ade kt dapur uols? xde kan. dapur my sis ade. hahaha. berpeluh jugak ekh nak menjala tu. adoyay!

ok darls...~ later2 L update pictures ekh. vitamin R dah x berapa nak banyak sgt harini. hehe. be safe! ILOVEYOU hokayh :)


fatinnurfadzilah bt dato'ahmad fadzil said...

hb qistina :)

arieza said...

disebabkan gamba roti jala tu lah..aku nk buat ahad nnti.. hehehehe

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