Tuesday, February 7, 2012

- what have you done?

pernah nampak org susah? or, pernah tgk keadaan di Aceh ketika mereka di landa tsunami? apa yg terlintas di fikiran korg time tu? majority of us will definitely say - 'poor them...' and full stop. will the word of 'poor them' will help them to get money? will the words of 'poor them' is enough to empower them? ask yourself.

that is why i choose SIFE. well, L yg dah sedia besar ni memang bercita-cita besar untuk join dengan kerja2 sukarelawan. cuma belum dpt salurannya. ALHAMDULILLAH. ALLAH uji dengn bertemu jodoh dengan SIFE. walaupun at the first place L sendiri mcm blur2 about SIFE. but now i can see hala tuju SIFE ni. ayat-ayat 'kesiannye...' tu x boleh bg diorg kenyang pun..kan?

to have Mdm Mairas and Mr Hafis as the FAs for SIFE UniSZA bukanlah kebetulan. sebetulnya, they had been chosen because of their credibility. Mr. Hafis was x-SIFEr from UKM. definitely i need him to guide SIFE UniSZA. Madam Mairas, despite to look for the best presenter, i can say she has something that other lecturers don't have. she is very clear with what she does. it is easy to discuss and share with her at the first place. i really need this kind of lecturer.

well, something that i can share with all of you today -
semua org akan mengalami mati. dan apabila kita, maka terputuslah segala amalan kita melainkan 3 perkara. Sabda Rasullah SAW,
" apabila mati seseorang anak adam itu - maka akan terhenti segala amalannya kecuali 3 perkara iaitu sedekah jariah, ilmu yg memberi guna, dan anak-anak soleh"
L tidak punya harta yg berjuta. tapi masih juga mahu melakukan sesuatu. idola  - TSSMAB pun pernah kata lakukan sedekah itu sementara masih diberi kesempatan. so, that is what i did. harta L hanya ilmu. ilmu ya ALLAH permudahkan untuk L perolehi. maka, ilmu itulah yg akan L kongsikan. SIFE will be the platform for me to start my charity works. amin!

seminggu lebih dah berumah tangga kt kampus. alone. hehehe. nice to know young people. mlm ni mlm terakhir nak buka kaunter pendaftaran. hope, dipermudahkan. amin. esok, akan buat team bonding and team recruitment. cepat setel, insyaAllah, cepat balik. sudahlah semakin kenipisan sumber kewangan. hahahahaha. oyeah! sabarlah hati..~! :)

all right. L nak bersiap2 untuk buka kaunter mlm ni. see u there! ;)


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