Wednesday, April 23, 2014

- i am happy to be single

Assalamualaikum. hello and hye readers. read the title? no, not me. it is about this someone yg dalam setiap post dia and kt mana-mana pun akaln buat hashtag iamsingle

motif? inhale. exhale. husnuzon! btw, such phrase is actually reflecting how lonely you are. yes! the respective person tries to convey the public that he effing happy with no one. sedangkan Adam pun perlukan Hawa - paham? awal-awal post dia tu, me mcm tak paham jugak. plus, me fikir setakat post je kot. tp kalau dah sana-sini nak mention benda yg sama je dah jd kelakar pulak. macam... nampak desperate pun ade. urk? all the best with ur life babe. take care ye!

nasihat - jd yg terbaik utk dapat yg (ter)baik. jzkk readers.  


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