Thursday, October 2, 2014

- popcorn and gamelan class

Unlike other subjects, i believe my subject is quite tough.

Assalamualaikum. Hello and hye readers. Today i am with SMKPN and yes, for the class of gamelan. I have two types of students - 1 smart students and 2 less smart students. It is obvious to see how these two types of students learn how to play the instruments.

The smart students have their own initiative to learn, to play the instruments. While the less smart students, they are easily get bored, distracted and etc. After a weeks of classes they show me different progression and i have to say the less smart students fail to adapt and adopt anything.

Ya Razzaq, i totally know the feeling as a teacher now. Yes. If I be a parent soon, i should not blame the teachers if my kids are less smart. InsyaAllah.

I am munching my popcorn. Yummeh.



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