Thursday, June 13, 2013

- day five : kjk arrived in malaysia!!!!

Kjk tu maksudnye kim jong kook. Gitu la cara ejanya kot!

Assalamualaikum. Hello and hye readers. hello busukkkk!!! Thankyou sebab setia nak skodeng blog i. *haha!

Day five, and 3rd day L berpuasa. Alhamdulillah. Moga2 ibadah ni diterima Allah. Hari ni x banyak sgt keje buat. Packing baju2 yg nak bawak g intern. Watching the impossible. And, dak ain datang bg pinjam beg guni! Terima kasih dak ain. Ada je bantuan yg datang. Alhamdulillah.

Ok. Nak cite pasal cite The Impossible. The production was awesome!!! Tah mcm mane la production boleh buat tsunami yg real tu. Boleh shoot keadaan dlm air tu. Boleh shoot seakan2 keadaan sebenar tsunami masa tahun 2004 (kot!!!). Movie yg sgt2 penuh beremosi. Where i thought, simon and his brother dead. Ouh, next. Might be the mother gonna die. Ohmen. Lucas is such a brave boy.

Apa yg buat L terfikir masa tgk cita ni is... will i do the same when i'm in that situation? What will i do? Hurm. Ya Rabb. Selamatkan bumi Malaysia. Banyak element yg ada dlm cerita ni. But the most obvious is - HUMANITY. yes. Sense of humanity. Rasa kemanusiaan antara sesama manusia. Walaupun yg terperangkap dlm tsunami tu x kenal antara 1 sama lain but they still help each other. They look up each other where it is kinda impossible to see that in our current days.

Sape yg belum tengok, mmg L recommend tuk tengok ye! Again, the title is The Impossible.

Ok. Nak cite si busuk L. Ahah. Lately, dh mula rasa biasa dengan kesibukan masing2. Yg tu yg L suka. Sebab?! Nti xde la die nak merengek time L sibuk. Ada la kadang2 die buat perangai. Alih2 nak suh call. Kalau suh call tu maksudnye emergency la tu. Yg L bimbangkan L x sempat nak entertain waktu kecemasan die... confirm la die nak merajuk. Kan busuk?!! Ngaku x? Memang cepat merajuk... merajuk mengalahkan perempuan... kan boo?! Malangnye nasib si busuk L ni.. die dapat gf yg x sedar pun actually die tgh merajuk, *haha! Lastly, die sendiri bg tahu yg die merajuk. *kehh!

Haah. Mmg kitorang berbeza yg amat. *heee! He's over sensitive while i am not. Dalam hati die ada banyak kebun bunga... while L cuma ada sekuntum je. Yg sama  cuma, we both choose family first. Bff die sekarang ni abg edy die. Fyi, yg tu jugaklah penasihat die. *kehh!

Ok. Nak g pasar malam. Nak beli tuk berbuka. Till then readers. Buhbye. Take care tau. Jzkk.


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