Saturday, November 5, 2011

- ASK 2011

a big congratulations - to the winners. my favourite winners especially - KHABIR BHATIA for JUVANA, SABRI YUNOS for SANGGUL BERACUN, SHAMSUL YUSOF for Anugerah Yasmin Ahmad, EJA for JANIN and performance by ELECOLDXHOT for the opening act, DATO' RAHIM RAZALI for his poem presentation - ur performance touched my heart. LIKE! a big win for SANGGUL BERACUN actually. best director 2011. best drama 2011.  LIYANA JASMAY came to ASK as the singer, not as the actress instead? awesome. live kot! :)

xnak komen pasal RCW. pastinya TV3 ade alasan sendiri untuk pilih beliau sebagai pengacara yang bergandingan dgn ALLY ISKANDAR. a good try. ASK and IPAD. hurmm. ok. bukan semua yang taw pasal teknologi nye pun. hoh!!! :P

 RAYA AIDILADHA - hanya di kampus. saje jek keraskan hati xnak balik. walaupun pada hakikatnya terasa jugak sayu kan..? heheheh. xpe la. it just to ensure i know how to handle this situation soon. next time dah kena bergilir-gilir balik rumah family kan? ewah! hahaha. assignments berlambak2. well, actually terase juga bile my mummy keeps calling me and ask the same question again and again. T_T

TODAY - it's a sunny day in Terengganu. no sign of gloomy. but, who knows. hehehe. it just like my heart. it may representing my heart. i asked RM100 from my lovely bf and i got RM200. memang sah boleh buat laki neh. hahahahaha. he passed the 1st task. call me mata duitn? my BF kate x pun. he said ' THAT'S MY RESPONSIBILITY HONEY. DON'T YOU AFRAID NOT TO PAY THAT. IT'S ALL YOURS. *happytakterhingga*. bukan mata duitan lah. take a look at this ekh.. nampak x yg L boleh bergantung harap kt die in case of anything happen? kan? kan? korang ade? so, just keep your mouth shut. :P

PLAN - konon nak buat assignment hari ni. hope dapat siapkan 1 pun jadilah! :)

WiFi UniSZA - superb! watching youtube with no buffering. pertama kalinya rasa bersyukur jd student UniSZA. boleh? ngahahaha. :P

till here my hunny bunny. be safe! ~

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA FIN


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