Sunday, November 13, 2011

- dear you, thank you for your concern but at least i am not fake :)

that's my stand. from today and onwards. it is annoying to know that there are people who love to manipulate or maybe to exaggerate the facts. don't they think that those things will commit to slander another person? won't they afraid with the consequences? come on. some news u may spread it while some are not. is it wrong for expressing the feelings? and why should you exaggerate it and make it looks like worst?
: : Mr. Google : :

i hate people who thought that they are fucking damn perfect. by fact they are actually nothing. mum used to remind me - TREAT ANOTHER PERSON LIKE THEY WAY YOU WANT TO BE TREATED. yup. that's what i do, mum. but unfortunately,  why the story was the other way around? they were nice only in front of my face but not in front of my ass. what the hell is that?

the far i try to run the closer it will comes to me. NUR ADA told me that it is the way how ALLAH wants us to prove the promise we have said. yeah. she's right. I told ALLAH, I will be stronger if the same thing happen to me again. I told ALLAH I want to be better than before. and, once again the 'same' situation came. YA ALLAH. for the second time I cried because of that stupid issue.  what makes me wonder is that person was so nice with me. I am fine with CRITICS but not with JUDGING me. it is a bias for you to judging me with only one side story. as a matter of fact I will not do that to my friends.

inhale. exhale. people with manners is about everywhere. schools. office. campus. neighborhood. wherever we will go we will face with these kind of people. so, face it. hehehe. what else to say? I won't ask the justice in this world. I live today because of ALLAH. I live today for ALLAH. ALLAH is everything for me. and you, you are nothing to me. you might be beautiful than me. you might be good than me. it is ok. I believe in ALLAH. I believe with all of His promises. life is about karma.

SEAL YOUR MOUTH. better. i don't like to negotiate with a stupid arrogance person. it's ANNOYING. ouh. speaking of these annoying double-face people - how could you expect that i will treat you nicely after you stabbed on my back? come on. i am not a puppet

'she's not matured' 'she is loser..' 'she is this...and that.. bla...bla...'. of course more than these. right?

Dear so called angel of you,
thank you for your concern about me. thank you for those 'sweet' reminders via your Facebook. I really appreciate that. May ALLAH shows you the right path for u and those person related to you. I choose not to confront you only because I do not want to prolong the issue whereas it will only worsen the situation. plus, I cant see the relevance of you treating me in that way. anyway. thank you for showing me the true color of you are. called me not matured? but this is me. the real imperfect of me ^^,


arieza said...

camne ko kaler2kan tulisan tuh?

L said...

highlight! :)

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