Monday, December 31, 2012

- 1st anniversary!!!

la haiiii..~! setahun dah?!! yeay. poppp!! popppp!!! chiungggg. chiungggggg. kebabommmmm! (mercun bunga api la konon. HAHA). *meriah!

hakikatnye - sendu berlagu pilu. *gitu! :P

x. x. memang xde ape2 pun. birthday pun x hengat. bajet nak hengat anniversary la kan? huu..~ jauh panggang api dr balai bomba. no. nothing at all. to be frank, L pun x hengat sebenarnye. hakkkk.  *serious!

xpe. pasangan yg sweet adalah pasangan yg saling menduakan (macam salah ejaan tu. urk?!) mendOakan antara satu sama lain. pandaikan pujuk hati sendiri? *ngeh!

sentap. xla. harus diingat. kalau nak merajuk dengan suami tu hukumnya 'wajib'. kehhh. kalau setakat dengan bf ni.. tak payah la nak menggedik sgt. x memasal nak mengada. bukan yg sah. *wink!

perlu ke tidak anniversary? majority kata perlu! tp.. mcm.. err. xde kepentingan pun tarikh2 tu. L rase gitu lah. ke L je yg pelik. sebab anniversary tu tarikh yg istimewa. lain dr lain ekh? maka, hari-hari lain x istimewa? *!

konklusinya, nampak sgt BERKIRA! hahahahaha. kalau x berkira buat je la setiap hari tu hari istimewa. xpayah nak tunggu ulangtahun baru nak jadikan haritu hari istimewa. setuju?  *standby.rabak.poket!

memang bukan style L la nak memorize tarikh-tarikh ni semua. tp memang dah dididik dr kecil sampai la besar (size!) utk menghargai tarikh-tarikh yg dianggap istimewa tu. x banyak, sikit je. sepotong doa pun dah ok. nak lagi ok, stand by la ape2 benda yg boleh nampak bernilai di pandangan mata. utk ahli keluarga, ok. tp utk yg belum apatah lg bukan, sila cuba lain kali. *fakta!

nak-nak pulak jenis yg menggemari barang-barang yg berlabel 'EKSKLUSIF' 'LIMITED EDITION' 'RARE' or 'UNIQUE' - bertambah rabak la poket ye. *heh!

selamat... err. selamat setahun utk kita!!!!!!!! utk yg terbaik, L serahkan pada urusan  yg Esa. usaha dah. tawakal dah. skrg masa utk redha dan pasrah. nampak? *lalala!

dah la. nak sambung study. saje je buat lintas langsung dr hati. daaa..~!

- diberi pujian

ALHAMDULILLAH. syukur ke hadrat Illahi dengan 'bakat' yg diberikan. sekema kan?! *HAHA!

my kazen's friend memberi kritikan yg positif utk gambar ni..~ mekasih la encik semut ekh!

: : Masjid Kristal, Kuala Terengganu - Model, atienpalingngengade : :

 x pakai camera yg gempak pun. x usung pun DSLR yg berat x hengat tu. just used my baby canon je. n atien a.k.a modelpalinggedik dalam photo ni x edit pun gambar. except, the watermark. the rest, kekal asli. *gitu!

I used to ask myself - what actually helps a photo looks good? the gadget or the photographer? personally, great pictures produced from thousands years ago. (exaggerate sgt x perkataan "thousand years" tu? :P) we know that the technology evolving from day after day. so, the ancient time photographer clearly has no other better or sophisticated technology like what we have today.  yg hari ni, siap boleh buat live editing lg kau! but, the quality of the end products still mesmerized. back to the question, the gadget or the person?

i love photography. i dont know if i have the talent. yg tu memang bakat yg sgt terpencil la kalau ade pun. but, yes. i love photography. but i dont know why i haven't fall in love with those sophisticated gadgets in the market yet. i don't know. some people simply call themselves as a 'photographer' (some of them even add on the word 'pro' before the noun. urk?) only because they carry a DSLR. *homaigad!

a small reminder to myself. talent is clearly a gift by ALLAH. please, do not abuse it. do not violating the talent that u've been given. dengan yg bernama 'bakat' ini kadang-kadang buat kita rasa sombong. riak. takbur. hanya kerana bakat.  dah nama pun 'pemberian', mestilah boleh diambil semula. setuju? riak + sombong + bongkak + takbur tu kan penyakit hati. *nauzubillahiminzalik!

ok. habis iklan. hehe. L prefer talent to compare with the sophisticated gadget. why? your talent will maximize ur creativity. ur talent will help you to explore about yourself. ur talent will help you to learn better. remember, the hardest will remain long-last. pernah dengar iklan radio about this one camera. it was presented by two kids. the boy was impressive with photos taken by the girl. and the girl told the boy that she actually used that advertised camera. see!!!! now everyone can produce a good photo. not only u who have the DSLR. *hello! *annoyed!

 hehe. abaikan message emo tu ye. L tengah tunggu mood tuk study yg x sampai-sampai pun lg neg. hadeh. selagi x last minute selagi tu la xnak masuk. *sedihlah!

selamat 2013. to be frank, L x kisah pun new year yg ikut kalendar tah sape tah ni. kalau kalendar Islam, teruja la nak pasang azam baru. hehe. bye. love, love.
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Sunday, December 30, 2012

- English Semantics

ALHAMDULILLAH. done with one paper. 5 papers to go. after the paper i met one of my lecturer - Mdm Jiji. i had a great time with her. 5 hours. huuu..~!

with her, we talked about life, before and future. we both agreed about one thing. every single thing that we get, or we ask we have to bear with the price. it is either you have to pay it now, or later. nothing comes for free darling. even if u seek for Allah's help also u need to 'pay'. i'm talking about doa, our prayers.

while praying, please bring our heart. pray with full of our heart. insyaAllah, ALLAH will help. just remember, His help will only come at the perfect time. not going to be so late. or not going to be so fast. if it isnot now, perhaps, we are not working hard enough to ask for it OR actually whatever that we ask for is not good for us. remember, ALLAH knows better than us.

keep praying. if He will not grant it, at least He is listening. praying seriously. it will indicate how determine we are. put some efforts. work for it.

when two women met, talking about men cannot be avoided. normal. aite? HAHA. we talked about them. i told my lecturer that men are actually complicated. serious. it is difficult to meet their expectation anyway. what makes me cannot understand is, when the wife willing to tolerate with EVERYTHING that u cannot have/achieve, why it is necessary for you to high-light your TERMS & CONDITIONS? i want a woman, who can cook, who has her well-established career, but in the same time must focus on the family, take care about my security and needs.. blaa... blaa.. blaa.. and list goes long! not enough with that, some of you... even being unfaithful. *homaigad!

Mr. Husband, come on. after the wife need to perform in her career now she has to perform with her task as a wife and mother at home? baby, u just...  being SELFISH. *smelly!

DO NOT TREAT your wife like a puppet. 
DO NOT TREAT your wife like you have to marry her by force. 
DO NOT TREAT your wife like she has no other choice.
what is wrong with the word of RESPECT and APPRECIATE? *emo!

ok. it just representing some of the husbands. only some. but recently, i heard this kind of story again and again and again from different people. oh man! they are not talking about the same man, right? as to repair your image and reputation, please do something honey. please!

hehe. penat membebel. L ada paper lagi esok. English for Young Professional. walaupun, yg menjawabnye xde la nak berapa 'young' sgt eh. HAHA. and tomorrow, the lose-weight challenge will start. kak G already has a partner to accompany her for fitness exercise. *ngek! it's ok. i'll do it alone. *heh!

the target is -1kg/month. that's it. usaha + istiqamah + mujahadah = ~______~

wokayh. nothing more to bebel about. i'm waiting for my VD4EP2. ngeh3. take care. calins et baisers. je'taime!
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Saturday, December 29, 2012

- wohoooo. i'm coming home. urk?!

i'm coming home. i'm coming home! x. dah balik kampus pun. cuti xmas + study week. saje je amik kesempatan dengan harga tix airasia yg rm0.11 tu. hehe. selamat sampai di kampus dgn segugus demam. gitu gayanye. sah2 penjodoh bilangan tu salah. HAHA. besar harapan demam ni cepat sembuh sebelum paper esok. err... mcm x mampu kan?

ENACTUS meeting. opening the booth for ENACTUS. tempat praktikal. etc. etc. haish. senggugut rase. ngeh3.    melambak jugak keje. awal sem ke, tengah sem ke, hujung sem ke. gitu jugak lambakan tugasnya. nama pun khalifah kan?! maka dengan itu perlulah ditanggung segalanya. life with no challenge just a bored life. isn't?!!!! *biggrin!

esok. first paper will start with Semantics. *dizzy! dengar name makcik sorg ni mula la serabut perut. haishhh. al-maklumlah... not my bloodline. Dr. Rosemala Ismail tu pulak sgt la tegas dengan tanggungjawabnyehhhh. memang xde chance la nak lebih kurang. nervous + cuak + risau + etc + etc semua ade dalam perut neh. wohooo..~!!! Manjadda wajadda L. setelah lebih 3 bulan berusaha. now I'm in the final stage of semester 5. jappp. nak bebel pasla usaha. hadir ke kelas + memberi perhatian + bertanya di dalam kelas tu masih lagi dianggap usaha ok. kalau nak lebih, buat la revision and apa2 lagi bacaan tambahan. jgn la kata bila x buat revision tu maknenye xde usaha. lain org lain cara. cuma, bukan semua org yg boleh nak hormat cara kita. why I said so? some of the classmates refused to respect others while in the class. yeah, i know that they are smart or etc. but, don't u think that u should respect others? it is ok if u dont want to listen to the lecturers but please! not to disturb others. can u? *iamserious!

baru kejap td bakal room mate datang memperkenalkan diri. ok. dia kenal L. L x kenal die. terpinga2 L bila die perkenalkan diri. my brain starts working "syikin? syikin yg mane ekh? budak masa MMS tu ke... budak yg kenal kt mane ni..?" while i had my conversation with her! ok... just make a random guess. perhaps, syikin from MMS. o.yeah. spotted! rupenye syikin room mate baru!!!!!!!!! Ya Rabb. hahaha. susah kan jadi org famous ni? i cant remember ALL of you darlings. so sorry. *bigsmile!

time out. sila la buka nota sekarang and study! be good. love, love!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

- just another... err, doodle!

nah! heheheh. sebab esok ade presentation tuk Language and Persuasion. so i just use my so-called talent to create some varieties for the video. it is related to the awareness of AIDS and HiV. x gempak pun. yg penting, originality. cewah..~!! sila komen :)

last week of semester 5 before final exam. wohooo..~! sangat sekejap la sem 5 ni. x lama lagi masuk sem 6. just another 2 sems before i can complete my bachelor. ngeh3.

gonna fly to KL this Saturday. yeay!

Monday, December 17, 2012

- jangan melatah

especially bila datangnya masalah. masalah tu kan ujian. what to do then? inhale. exhale. relax! lay back... and start to do ur own revision. perhaps, i have done the same before to other people. that is why it happen to you.

datangnya ujian Allah kerana sebab. salah satunya untuk diampunkan dosa. bersyukurlah. merungut bukan cara yg terbaik utk menghadapi masalah... kan? jangan bersyukur tika suka je. time duka pun kena syukur.

baru-baru ni L ade pementasan teater utk projek akhir ko-ku yg L amik. memang rase pe..........nat sgt2! tapi ada something yg L belajar dr coach teater tu. beliau ni sentiasa positif. L dah marah2... ngamuk2 die tetap cool down. tetap positive. ouh, man! cepat sejuk L. kita dah serabut bagai nak rak dah ni... die tetap ok. walaupun terasa mcm kena buli oleh pihak yg lain, die tetap bersangka baik. MasyaAllah. hebatnya beliau dlm menghadapi dugaan.

x selesai dgn yg tu... esoknye mengadu pulak budak ko-ku yg lain pasal ade yg curi tulang bila buat kerja. sekali lagi beliau tetap tenang. x pulak menambah garam di luka. dengan tenang membalas bidasan tu. Allahuakbar. terasa singkat sgt ilmu yg ada ni. terasa hikmah bila beliau bersuara, meluahkan pendapat.  kagum!

mampu pulak diri ni nak jadi sehebat beliau? sesabar beliau? Allahurabbi.

bukan mudah utk bersangka baik ok. nak2 pulak, kalau tgh penat, kt bawah matahari terik. cepat je nak melatah. nipis sgt iman. kdg2 terasa iman tu hangus mcm tu je. hilang rasa malu. hilang rasa hormat pada diri sendiri. MasyaAllah.

'jangan peduli org kata... just move on...'

familiar? actually x boleh jugak nak buat x tahu dgn apa yg org ckap. baik atau pun apa yg org cakap kena amik berat jugak. ada sebab berlakunya setiap sesuatu itu. ambil - nilai - kalau x perlu, buang. jgn terus2 buang. ok?

minggu yg sgt serabut bg L sebenarnye. hee.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

- more doodles!

Assalamualaikum. readers, hye...~! how are u doing? semoga sentiasa di dalam lindungan yg Esa. x terlambat rasenye nak wish Salam Maal Hijrah. semoga segala amalan di tahun yg sebelumnya diberkati dan utk tahun yg baru ni akan lebih dirahmati.

sama sempena tarikh maal hijrah tahun ni adalah tarikh lahir Mr Hafiz. nothing much that i can do for him except a doodle as for a wish ;)

and this doodle made by using excel.

sah2 la x pro! memang sesaje gatal tgn membuat doodles. inilah hasilnya. for me, seriously, everyone has their own expression. mcm mana pun dia tgk doodle kita.. n buat. it will never be the same. that is how I prefer to say ever piece is a masterpiece. it cant be two same doodle.  sama mungkin tp tidak serupa.

so, those yg sedang belajar tuk buat doodle tu, selamat mempelajarinya ok. passion and courage is just hand in hands. in learning arts, u have to have both. x kiralah what type of art pun.. kalau minat, usahakan. dengar dan lihat x sama dengan reka dan cipta. kepuasannya berbeza. just give urself a try ok.

harini, seharian melayan my cousins yg sampai dr JB. haha. unexpected! lenguh uols. n! only today i noticed that my uncle is so damn fussy. OMG. unbelievable.  ouh. again. L dapat bereksperimentasi dengan camera and subject. wohoo. lumayan juga hasilnya dong! those things make me feel, am i gifted or... what? :P

allrite readers. need to have some sleep after two days in a row I slept at 4pm! adoiii. meragam jgn cakap. hehehe. be safe ya! calins et baisers. etre fabouleux. je'taime. xoxo.
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Sunday, November 11, 2012

- foods nutritions facts and GASTANA

ready for FEStKUM 12? terengganu will be the host. this is the first time GAMELAN takes part in performance. music together with dance. why am i damn excited? because, i am part of the team. the awesome team of GASTANA. :)

the line up for FEStKUM 12 are:
1 - Gendang : Mouu Han*

2 - Bonang : Noor Amalina

3 - Gambang (i) : Nurhidayah Rosli

4 - Gambang (ii) : Raida Alias

5 - Saron: Anna Naquiah Ma

6 - Saron Demong : Iela Azila

7 - Pekin : Ct Nahdiyya

8 - Slanthem : Fisah Abdullah

out of 12. Mira, Lia and Fika had decided not to join this event.

and, after our gamelan's  training today I had my great time with Dayah, Ila and Quyah. they shared with me all the informations about foods! i was shocked to know about the 'reality' of these and that. woww..~! only now I discovered why i am having a problem in reducing and burning my FATS. only now I  know some diets are just not so suitable for me.
well, I think I should try what Dayah had suggested by having hi-pro diet. I'm hoping that it will help me. hee. reset my mind. do some mental preparations. and, hit the 'execute' button. the younger the easier for me to burn my 'burden' since it has a connection with metabolism. come on Chika. you are going for your intership less than a year now. should you know that your appearance will become the first 'assessment' from your future employer(s)? do something, please! :)

till here. baisers et calins. je'taime. Xoxo! ;)

- salam semua

ouhhh. ouhh. i am falling in love with aaron aziz's voice. just imagine suara macho tu... alih2 menyanyi. i am melting. hahaha. sape yg belum dengar lagi 'Salam Semua - Sleeq ft. Aaron Aziz', pepandai la korg search kt youtube. keje mudah, xyah susahkan. ye x? :)

GASTANA UniSZA and ENACTUS UniSZA come hand in hands. wohooo..~! cam nak tunggang langgang dah ni. most of group assignments i decided nak buat sorang. sebabnya, senang kot.

me and Asmaa' H. went to meet our beloved Director of Entrepreneur Center UniSZA - YB. Dr. Fakhrul Anwar Zainol. Surat mohon maaf, surat perlantikan dan yg penting surat pengguguran FA kesayangan dan pun selamat sampai ke tangan beliau ni la. ALHAMDULILLAH. everything went well. ENACTUS UniSZA now have a new line up of FA and Co-FA for 13/14. *bigsmile!

yes. i have to redirection everything. all over again. *smilewithsatisfaction!

the biggest problem to overcome is - FEAR. yes, they are true. bukan senang ok menyusun strategy tuk selesaikan semuau tu. menangguh dr bulan September sampai la ni November. being paranoid is just me. but when semuanya ok, when semuanya berjalan dengan lancar... nothing else that I would say rather than THANK YOU ALLAH for giving me ur strength.

ok. now, menyusun jadual untuk siapkan assigments and study utk progress test. baru 1 progress test yg lepas - PR. more to come. keep strong Chika. ewahhh. belum list outkan lagi perkara-perkara tentang ENACTUS. wohoo..~! memang susah nak tdo lena ok.

end of FEStKUM '12. macam2 cerita, ofekos. hee. mana yg boleh jadikan pengajaran, sila amik jadi pengajaran k. yg manis itu kenangan. yg pahit itu tetap perlu. that's how we learn people.

kalendar Islam akan berakhir in another few days. hoping for next year will be something for me. malas nak list out benda yg tertangguh. memang melambak. hee..~

all rite. etre fabouleux. calins et baisers. je'taime. mwahhhhh!
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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

- 31st Oct 12

blessed birthday..~! i love it. pagi-pagi lagi Danish dah nyanyi tuk M.Long. confirm la bergenang air mata M.Long ni kan. hehe. setengah hari di bilik. 'berehat' kononya. pd hal... x g kelas pun. sebab ada pengecualian tuk latihan FEStKUM.

lama dah x buat doodle. hee. suddenly teringat doodle.

easily get tired lately. x tahu apesal. mlm td pun pukul 11.30 mlm dh tdo. the good side is, senang bangun pg. ok la tu kan? :)

trying to cope up with everything. assignments, training GASTANA, enactus yg masih lg 'tergantung' etc. pfffttt...~! tipu la kalau x penat. end of the day, i am still a human, a student. need rest. need time to socialize. need time to do my task as a student as well. mengeluh? x la. mengadu. nampak x beza? hee.

where to today? not so sure yet. Thank you ALLAH for the time that U give me. Thank you for today.  :')

Saturday, October 20, 2012

- haunted blog

boleh gitu? hahahaha. punya la lama 'betapa'. hadeh. x betapa pun. ada je. cuma connection wi-fi kt bilik L yg baru xde. so terpaksa la memendam rasa tuk hapdet blog neh. :)

busy. sangat busy. sibuk dgn show gamelan. kelas. assignments. etc. etc.
tapi, L ade kegilaan yg baru. men-doodles!!! x expert. mmg x kreatif pun. but at least, im not doing something what we called as 'plagiarism'. rasa puas hati dapat menghasilkan karya sendiri. perghhh! gaya mcm expert plak. hahaha. mlm td dapat buat 1. first trial, 4 jam hokayh. hari ni dah mula cermat cket. x membazir masa sangat. and, hasilnya pun getting better. proud of me!

doodles ni dihasilkan menggunakan excel. sadly to tell, x boleh plak nak upload images kt sini. hurmmm. wi-fi ouh wi-fi! :(
: : doodle ni khas tuk Asmaa' Hashim : :

btw, more and more doodles will come. of course!  tutorial, boleh cari kt youtube. just type - tutorial doodle guna excel. memang exellent! bukan xnak attach link kt sini ye. tp connection wi-fi kt sini sangatlah 'hebat'. minta maaf ye! :)

latihan gamelan akan dipertingkatkan. phewww! ready tuk convo and festkum plak.*__*. btw, i am happy with my way. tu je la. calins et baisers. be good!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

- fuhhh!!!~ berhabuk!

a lot to tell. a lot to share. a lot and a lot. from one achievement to another achievement. from one drama to another drama. yes!

let's share about achievement first. 15-17 July - for the first time ever my baby went to the SIFE Malaysia National Exposition. hurm. yes. after all the sacrifices, hardships, commitment and so forth finally SIFE UniSZA entered the competition. at the moment when everybody say NO, you can't. i proved to them i managed to do it. ALHAMDULILLAH. semua yg berlaku dgn keizinan yg Maha Esa juga. Kalau x, x mungkin we all sampai ke tahap ni. first exposure for us. we went there not to win but to tell them our capacity. it such a remarkable memory. *senyumlebar2!

result final exam untuk semester 4 dah keluar. ALHAMDULILLAH. dlm sibuk2 berkejar ke sana ke mari, akhirnya!!! nahhhhh...~! xde la DL. tp tetap naik. better than other semesters. *senyumlebar2!

drama. drama. drama. yeah. tetap! yg ni la rencah yg perlu ada untuk kita kenal ragam manusia kan? from SIFErs UniSZA itself, to the F.A till the director. OMG! the way they acted, cukup buat L mengucap, istighfar panjang2. hurmmmmm. aneh sebenarnya melihat perangai2 yg busuk hati ni.

as expected, pahat tetap berbunyi walaupun rumah dah siap. tetappp!!! haha. come on peeps. i cant please everyone. at the first place, have u guys ever please me? no. nada. zero. what else to expect? 'i am just a human being'. what a lame excuse. kalau x boleh jadi sempurna pun, boleh cuba jd yg lebih baik kan?

"kak chika asyik marah2... kak chika garang sgt. chika made her own decision without referring to us. most of the information stuck kt dia and kitorg x tahu pun. project dh x ok but chika still push untuk buat.."

ALHAMDULILLAH. ada juga yg sudi nak menilai dan mengkritik tugas yg saya jalankan. terima kasih sebab memberi peringatan2 ini ya kalian.

garang - because i'm perfectionist. i hate to know/hear any issue related to discipline especially when it is related to team's name. seriously. time punctuality. apa yg susah sgt ekh? yes, leader appointed. yet, hurmmm.

attire - goshhhhhh!!! to some of you this is not the first time u guys attend a program with SMF. dont you guys know the do's and dont's rules?

lain yg org mintak, lain yg korg buat - clear gila! org suruh buat lain. lain yg korg paham dan lain yg korg buat. accept, understand, react. jgn nakk gelabah x tentu pasal ye dik. hurmm.

info stuck - i would like to know which info yg stuck tu ekh? yg ni i mmg x paham.

project dh x ok but I still push utk buat - yg ni pun i x paham.

let it be. bercakap x kena bayar. so boleh la bercakap sesedap rasa. kan? cuba kalau kena bayar. xde nak main lepas cakap je. but actually, kita kena bayar apa yg kita cakap tu kt akhirat ok. sapa yg kata percuma?? sebab itu gunanya akal yg Allah berikan. kita bukan robot yg hanya mengikut apa yg telah diprogramkan. kita punya pilihan untuk memilih apa yg ingin dipertuturkan. iya. kita wajib bertanggungjawab atas perkara yg telah kita bicarakan. adil kan? *senyumlega!

hari keenam Ramadhan. hari yg L rase performance pahala puasa teruk sgt. hurmmm. Yg Maha Pengasih, tegurlah kami2 yg berdosa ini dengan caraMu yg paling lembut. berikanlah kami peringatan-peringatan supaya kami sedar tentang kesilapan  yg telah kami lakukan. berilah kami balasan di dunia agar ia akan menjadi ringan di akhirat. Ameeeennn!

selamat menjalani ibadah puasa. semoga KPI tahun ini akan menjadi lebih baik daripada thaun2 yg sudah. be good ya! luv ya.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

- Siti Asmaa' Hashim

a little sweet lady. dgn dia mmg x banyak karenah. boleh dibawak berbincang. boleh la boleh. senangnya melayan dia ni sbb most of the results kita akan putuskan bg pihak dia. dan dia akan ikut. unless if I say 'what do you think..' and only then she will think. otherwise she will say 'ok je...' simple kan? *smile*

dia mmg super cool. a strong believer just like me. that is why i am so comfortable with her, yet i feel safe when i walk with her. because, she will never judge anyone. never.

she is among the one who is standing next to me when no one believed with what I am doing. when everyone keep on questioning me what 'SIFE' is all about. telling them something that they could not see is not an easy task. ALHAMDULILLAH, i am proud with all my little kids now. they know how to work with me. yes, i am a bit particular with achievements. ouh. come on. i am not the real monster. the real monsters are actually at the outside there. once u meet them, only then know the real meaning of pressure and tension. *bigsmile!

not to deny, there are some who are trying to play truant on my back. i tell u what. sooner or later, ALLAH will shows me the truth. it is all a matter of time. do not worry about that. fyi, if that is your principle in doing jobs, you won't get the satisfaction for a long term. trust me! *smile!

Good morning tuesday! few days to go. yet, after that no break. since we need to focus on another project. this time, Izzati Rozman will handle the project. why not Asma' Hashim? because, i have a special project for her. *bigsmile!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


tiba-tiba je rasa tu dtg. rasa yg buat L rasa L perlukan org2 yg L sayang ada dgn L skrg ni. hang out. share stories. share foods. share laughs and joys. hurmmmm..~!

tu la. lain kali jgn nak perasan mcm wanita besi sgt ekh? hahaha. few days left. then, it will be the day. sebelum ni, L x kisah pun kalau xde VIP-VIP ni time hari-hari penting L. tiba-tiba pulak kali ni L rase mcm, kan best kalau diorg ade. :'(

baru kali ni L paham kenapa org-org yg dianggap VIP dlm hidup org lain 'diwajibkan' hadir untuk sesebuah majlis; ie. majlis perkahwinan. memang, rasanya lain. just like what my bf told me - 'this is my first time I handle event like this. bila org dari jauh sanggup dtg semata-mata untuk majlis kita, i feel berbesar hati sgt...' yes. only now i understand. how i wish these VIPs could come on my big day. hurm.

syaratnya, kita sendiri pun kena la bersungguh-sungguh menjemput para VIP ni dtg.. kan?

conflicts? normal. conflicts and women? lagilah normal. whenever i had this situation, she will be there to help me. my sister and babe. i feel bless to help them around. Thank you for your plan Ya Rabb. i don't expect too much. at least, i have people that i can trust the most when i am so down.
: : Mr. Google : :

Sunday, July 1, 2012

- GoGerila vs Hujan = VERSUS

ok. my favourite! the show and the bands in the show. goshhh! frankly speaking (speaking keh? kan? haha), yeahh. i am a big fan of GoGerila. i really cannot take my eyes from their performance especially when i heard the arrangement in 'Biso Bonar', 'Untukmu' and 'Curiga'. nice! however, my heart simply melted when i heard Hujan sang 'Dan Bila Esok' (originally by SOFARZ) with irama malaysia arrangment! yes. i am the irama malaysia lover! *smile!
: : Mr. Google : :

watching the last show of VERSUS: KONFRONTASI TERAKHIR - Hujan brought Dato' Siti Nurhaliza on the stage. ouh. come on! Raingers + Dato' Siti fans (+ fans of irama Malaysia)? yeah. u can easily figure out who's the winner right? it was a brilliant strategy. the special arrangement in 'Dan Bila Esok' and a song by Aris Ariwatan (i don't remember the title!!!) + the surprise. inhale, exhale. yes! Hujan deserved to win.

congratulations to Hujan. and to all the bands as well. ouh! to Media Prima too. i never regret in spending my 1 hour or up to 3 hours to watch the show. (even again and again! hee.)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

- she's turning 5!

no words can describe how much i love her! cepat masa berlalu. dah 5 tahun. and, yes. things are different now. we have plans, but His plans are above all. what else to expect? Noorin Qistina, Mak Long will definitely stand by you no matter what will happen darling. you deserve a better place in here and hereafter. do not bother what will people stay. chin up and just walk. you can do it. :')

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

- little Mahirah Aida is now 4!!~

she's now 4! alahai. kecik kemetot je orgnye. tp.. akal die... sangat! ade je modal die nak bergaduh dgn umi. hahaha. yup. sehari x bergaduh dgn umi die mmg x sah la. kesayangan ayah, nenek, atok, mami and many of us. dear drama queen, happy birthday! :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

- hasil adobe photoshop

Saturday, June 23, 2012

- the best gift ever ;)

Assalamualaikum. pengajaran hari ini, harapan jgn terlalu menggunung. satg kalau x kesampaian, hati kita jugak yg remuk kan? *senyumdgnsabar*

yes, today i got the best 'gift' ever. when my team people came late to the photo shoot set. hurmm. i don't know. in previous time, i still can tolerate with their 'time punctuality'. but not for today. i have been there for half an hour. and, yes, no one appear.

the excited mood changed into bad mood. yet, i still try to control myself. frankly speaking, i am too tired to entertain everyone. really tired. don't they realize that i have the feeling too? ok. if u cant respect me as the president but at least try to respect my time. i can do a lot of thing in that half an hour. after half and hour and no one appear, i decided to leave the set. no point for me to stay. i was not in my mood. my face will ruin everything soon. *icantsmile*

esok, kalau ikut plan L nak kena g MARA tuk bincang pasal projek. insyaAllah, kalau diberi kekuatan L akan sampai ke pejabat MARA tu. dh seminggu tertangguh. YA Illahi Rabb, permudahkanlah segala urusanku esok hari. Amin. *senyumlagi*

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

- street dance

Morning...~! no. L x perform stree dance. maakkkk! haruslah L mampu nak buat all those street dance steps. haha. berzapin sudah. itu kan jiwa.*smile*

have you ever watch about 'Street Dance' movie? that movie really inspiring me. drop the issue of pronunciations. they sounded in some accents. i am not so sure what kind of accent is that.  UK, perhaps. i watched this movie, again and again and again. especially whenever i am so down.

more or less bout the story. Carly is the hero in this story. starting when her bf ditch up the crews, and her as well. then, they faced up with a lot of problems. place for training, money, one by one the crews left her except Shawna and so forth. among all of them, Carly remains stand strong. she could try any possibilities in order to make her dream come true; the best dancer in UK. she managed to turn something impossible to possible. Helena came into the scene to help with one condition. Carly and her crews will get the place to practice for their UK Championship however she needs to include the crew with the ballets dancers. *jawdrop* of course she refused to accept that offer but thinking of she has no option, she has to say yes. come on. ballet vs street dance. it just like the earth and and the sky. Helena in the same time was trying to drill the feelings and emotional in her students. quarrels, fights, ego, misunderstanding become part of the routine in their practice. but, in the end they managed to do it. and, yes they won the championship by maximizing the strengths from both dancers.

hurm. Carly is my idol. i am impress with her spirit. no matter what the problems she need to face up. she just facing it. do appreciate people around us in the same time. I love Helena's phrase 'u cannot to make it or you do not want to make it?'. never coming with any conclusion before you know about something. try to learn and to understand as well. after that, u may say your opinion.  something sounds stupid at the initial phase does not mean it will end up with stupid look. here, we need to use our knowledge. maximize. find your own recipe. *smilesweet!

yeah, not that easy to handle it. but, i choose to handle it. *smileandtears!

Monday, June 18, 2012

- puzzle memory

menyusun puzzle memory semester 4 2011/2012 @ UniSZA. Alharhumah Siti Aishah Yusop dalam kenangan.:)

sendu berselang-seli dengan senyum dan tawa. macam-macam warna ada. semester yg paling mencabar buat L dan rakan-rakan sekelas. dr awal sampai akhir sem. salah paham. salah pandai. salah silap. semua ada. ada juga drama-drama picisan yang tak kurang hebatnya. whahahaha. hurm. kasihan untuk si hero tempelan yg cuba berlagak untuk menjadi Hero Drama Murahan Malaya. heroin? tentulah ada. aneh-aneh perangai manusia. ye. mungkin watak hero itu penting. tapi rasanya bukan dalam drama sebabak yg mana jalan ceritanya telah ditentukan. wahai si hero tempelan, lain kali cuba garap kisah sendiri, hokayh? lebih baik. jgn sibukkan kisah org. hitung amal sendiri dulu. jgn nak kira aib org. aib sendiri pun belum tertutup. peringatan yg sama untuk si penghikayat ini juga. insyaAllah. kagum juga dengan kesungguhan dia tu. *senyumsinis*

kehidupan, pasangannya adalah kematian. walaupun berkali-kali telah mengingatkan diri bahawa suatu ketika, suatu saat nanti pasti ia akan datang juga. but, yes. say is much easier than execute. bila masa sampai waktu itu, perasaan dan akal mula berkira-kira tentang peranan sang 'kalau'. 'kalau itu....' dan 'kalau ini...' kenapa ye? mungkin kita terlupa bahawa ada yang Maha Mengetahui. kita merancang, tapi Dia juga mempunyai perancangan yg lebih baik untuk kita. ingat. Dia x beri apa yg kita minta, sebaliknya kita akan dapat apa yg kita perlukan. sebab? logiknya, kalau kita dapat apa yg kita minta nescaya qalbu yg satu ini akan meminta lebih dari itu. betulkan? *senyum*

perkara yg sama juga yg kita akan amalkan pada anak2 kelak. x mustahil untuk kita berikan apa sahaja kehendak mereka tapi lama-kelamaan mereka akan kurang menilai. kurang menghargai. see! itu pemberian dr manusia kepada manusia yg dah tentu2 serba kekurangan. apa lagi kalau mendapat sesuatu daripada Maha Sempurna? boleh kita nak berjanji...'Ya Allah, ini adalah permintaan ku yg terakhir. aku berjanji, selepas ini aku xkan meminta apa2 daripadaMu...' mampu? *senyumlagi*

mungkin ada yang mampu. tapi lebih banyak yg x mampu daripada yang mampu. manusia memang dilahirkan dengan nafsu. tahniah kepada yg mampu!

back to the point, sem 4 @UniSZA. sem ni la yg L memang 'jauh' dgn classmates. sebab berkomitmen dgn SIFE. ouh. bukan calang-calang org yg boleh buat tugas ni ok. *bakulrasaberat! disebabkan kesibukkan itulah, memang x terasa sem 4 dah habis. MasyaAllah. ALHAMDULILLAH. segalanya dipermudahkan. i believe all difficulties have some sweetness behind. vice versa. susah nak gambarkan tentang kemanisan dan kepuasan. all I know, i will smile when i try to remember about it.  tipulah kalau semuanya indah. kan? *senyumlebar*

by now, L ada satu lagi final. of course about SIFE. setelah berjuang untuk lebih kurang 4 bulan and now my baby will be on the stage. i feel bless with my team now. Thanks to u ALLAH. dalam setandan pisang, mana ade yg x busuk. mesti. yg busuk, jangan dibuang. lama-lama dia akan lerai sendiri dari tandannya. yg pasti, L memang x boleh baca minda org. ouh. memang xnak pun. sah-sah la pekerjaan tu sgt memenatkan. *hurm*

esok, 19 Jun 2012. my bf and his kids will be back from Bali. semoga selamat sampai ke Malaysia ya mas!

ok readers. L dah nak start menjeling2 mana company yg sesuai untuk L buat internship.  kalau dapat buat internship dengan Al-Bukhary Foundation, memang puasa syukur L untuk seminggu. my idol ok! hopefully, x banyak masalah sgt. doakan rezeki L murah. L doakan rezeki korg murah juga. amin. be safe ya! calins et baisers. etre fabuloux. je'taime. take care.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

- be positive!

i had a chance to meet my bf's family last weekend. more precise, on Tasha's wedding. i went there with my long-lost friend. x la long lost sgt. just lame x jumpe je. last jumpe last  year. time kt KLCC. awal bulan 10. this time jumpa and ask for some help. L kan kurang upaya. hahah. sampai la ni xdak license. haihhhh!!!!

back to the point. about my bf's kids. kalau boleh la nak tabik spring tu my bf, memang L tabik spring dah. not only me, his friends said the same thing too. di kala org sibuk menceritakan remaja dan masalah sosial, hang out late night, x balik rumah, less respect to the older people, being selfish and etc, but not to his kids. SEMUA, sangat2 membanggakan. sangat. do respect the older, on the function itself masing2 buat kerja masing2. they managed to do it together like nothing happened. very close to each other.

so, mcm mane nak kate L x tabik spring to my bf? hehe. come on. bukan semua org boleh buat perkara tu ok. for your record, the sisters and the brother come from different mommies. but, like i said, nothing makes different. :)

siapa yg x bangga dengan anak2 yg mcm tu kan? goshhhhh. personally, L kalau jadi mommy pun terang2 la sejuk perut. xde ape nak risaukan sgt. pandai jaga diri masing2. when i asked about the recipe, my bf said, instill ur kids with all the positive attitudes, thus they will be positive as well. stop saying about the past. move forward. even on the last day i met my bf, his daughter still texted him and asked whether he had his lunch or not. see!!!! hebat kan?

so, future mommy and daddy yg ade terbaca post ni  la kan... it is not impossible to have kids with such attitude nowadays. read a lot! try to understand their needs. owh! fyi, my bf is a single parent since last 14 years ago. so, what else that can make you to say it is impossible?

tepuk dada, tanya iman. being moderate at all the time, insyaAllah, it will help you to be patient in raise up your kids. my bf sangat2 menjaga halal and haram dalam pemakanan. sangat! he loves food but he does not eat foods without clear source. even though, that food being serve by Malay's stall. this is another tip to share. do not eat foods that contain with doubt source and do not eat what ever that not yours. clear?

ok. tipu la kalau L kata L x sayangkan bf. cuma, malu juga pada diri sendiri untuk mengaku tentang hal itu sedangkan pada yg Maha Pencipta pun L x mampu nak tunjukkan kasih sayang tu. ade jugak waktu2nya L kufur dgn nikmat. hurmmm. then, nak tergedik2 pulak declare 'i love my bf more than anything'? memang dah hilang akal la tu kan?? hahahah. what i'm trying to say here is, sayang biar pada tempatnya. understand ur limit. yes, i do love him because of himself. nothing else. :)

ouh. tipu la kalau L x jeles. kala ade sang teman mula merengek mengatakan ' i rase mcm something la bile jumpe bf u..' dan reaksi L '-_______________________________________________-' (i really don't understand what are you trying to say!) kalau rase nak kena tepuk muka tu... meh la cuba! haha. dlm ber'couple' memang xde istilah curang. curang hanya untuk mereka yg sudah mempunyai ikatan yg sah. tapi, x bermaksud kita boleh menggunakan hak itu sewenangnya. x salah pun untuk jujur pada diri sendiri, kan? :)

ok. penat dah membebel. wishing all my seniors, classmates and junior can do well in their final exam. 2 days to go and, L x study lg ni. nyum3. be good dears and darlings. je'taime. Mwahhh!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA FIN <3

- eh, dah nak abis?!!

ouchhhh. salam alaik all. segala mcm rasa yg ada dalam sem ni. yeayyy! segala mcm kepayahan untuk sem ni jugak. yeayy! haha. ALHAMDULILLAH. segalanya dipermudahkan. dari projects, assignments, tasks, etc. semua berjaya L harungi walaupun rase mcm x mampu. berkat sokongan keluarga, sahabat dan musuh, jiran-jiran yg jauh dan dekat, akhirnya 80% perjalanan untuk semester 4 ini berjaya L lalui. terima kasih. (ucapan bajet dpt anugerah pelajar cemerlang. T______T)

ehhh!!! bulan June jugak... bulan kegembiraan untuk ibu2 baru. tahniah DA, Nana and Mell. 1 girl, 2 boys. insyaAllah, kalau ade kesempatan L akan menjengah anak2 buah yg baru tu ye. insyaAllah sempat!!! walaupun dah tahu dah... tugas yg hakiki xkan pernah habis. positif!

eh. dah janji nak post gambar kan?!! jap. sila jemput cuci mata. xyah amik mana2 bahagian ok. these are all the pictures that I have along semester 4 in UniSZA. houtsetesen... xyah ckap la. memanjang!!! pantang weekend, hout saje. :)
: : Dynamic Leadership Training @ Summit USJ. the taste was very bittersweetsour : :

: : sweetest memory. gamelan : :

: : SMNE pre qualification training at Sunway U. stayed at Sunway Monash U. : :

: : attended the wedding of Sir Zack's daughter : :
haaaa...~! nampak kan? heheheeh. i don't really like people capture my pic because they don't really know the right angle to capture a picture. yet, it makes me look... something else. eh?!! hahahahaha. nampak x gaya penafian tu mcm mane? dan2 la nak salahkan org  yg amik gamabr or the camera. nampak sgt cuba mengelak dari kebenaran. kih3.

just landed in Terengganu airport this evening at 5.30pm. then, menunggu org yg sudi amik L dr airport je dh sejam setengah ok. sabar. hadeh. settlekan mane yg perlu. esok, meeting with FA. malam, will finalize everything. yes, everything. maghrib esok kang insyaAllah ade majlis bacaan yasin. malam, weekly meeting.  before, I will seat for the final examination - 1st paper will be on 10th June. this time around lain sebab bf x sudi nak temankan study. so, kena study sorg2. sedayyyyy!!!

dah pukul 1 pagi. i need rest. sweet rest. away for today darlings. meet ya tomorrow, insyaAllah. etre fabuleux! calins et baisers. je'taime. mwahhhhhh! au revoir.

- restless May!

ouch. L sempat update 2 kisah je untuk bulan May?! woww. wooowwww. weee..~! maknanye sgt busy la tu kan? hehe. yess. non-stop working since a week of break on the early month of May 2012.  SIFE, classes, assignments, projects and etc in the same month. semua same naik!  ada la jugak yg berbunyi - kerja, kerja jugak. tp ingat la diri sendiri jugak. hurm. how i wish i could sleep nicely without worry about anything. yes, about anything.

2 big events from SIFE M. Dynamis Leadership workshop and SMNE Pre Qualification Training. best! Final project for gamelan. super duper best. a load of assignments. urmm.. best la kot. haha.yg kurang best or should L say memang x best langsung - tentang pemergian dia. hurm. tersentak jugak tangkai jantung ni kala kedua telinga ini menerima berita tentang pulangnya dia ke pangkuan yg Maha Penyayang.

puas minda ini berfikir. bertanya. memang itukah janji dia dgn Maha Pencipta? kali terakhir bergurau dgn Allahyarhamah, tetap ceria seperti biasa. mengusik. iye. itulah kali terakhir L bergurau dgn dia. kali terakhir L bercakap dgn dia sebelum dia dijemput pulang.  sedikit demi sedikit L mula rasa kehilangan. sangat susah untuk menghadapi keadaan itu rupanya. bercakap lebih mudah daripada menanggung.

perginya dia dengan tenang. segala urusan telah pun dipermudahkan. kata teman-teman yg perasan tentang kelainan beliau pd hari itu, beliau nampak lebih berseri daripada biasa. wallahua'lam. terima kasih Ya Allah atas kemudahan itu. Alhamdulillah. kematian itu sesuatu yg pasti. untuk pertama kalinya L menghadapi kehilangan seperti ini. setiap hari L berjanji akan berusaha untuk tidak mengalirkan air mata lagi. dan setiap kali itulah air mata akan bergenang. sebak. :(

teman seperjuangan yg lain masih lagi terasa kehilangan dia. sugul. well, she was a good friend to everyone. no matter how loud she was, but people still can accept her style. thus, that's the reason why people can feel the different. semoga tenang di sana dik.

currently, the Hospital Sultanah Zahirah is my second home. yeahhh. menemankan Nik Nur Aisyah yg masih belum pulih dr kecederaan. cepat2 sembuh ye dik. so far kesihatannya ecah semakin baik. hope die terus kuat semangat. she looks fragile but she actually stronger than what people expected. i'm proud of you my little Aisyah.

no pics for this post. u may refer to my next post about the pictures related to the events that I attended. see ya! be safe. like what my bf used to remind me again and again.. be good! :P

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

- Allahyarhamah Siti Aishah Binti Yusop

Ya Ilahi Rabb, permudahkanlah segala urusan perjalanan die untuk menemui Mu ya Allah. ampunkanlah segala dosa2nya. tempatkan dia di antara mereka yg beriman. tenanglah dik di sana. Amin. Al-Fatihah.

Monday, May 7, 2012

- i'm not a branded person!

memang suka shopping. memang boros! hahahaha. BUT, L bukan branded maniac. sebab, pakai la ape pun... gayanya itu gak. maybe sebab x pandai bergaya kot. ahaks. so, seadanya saya la. kalau bawak original handbag coach pun nampak mcm x ori gak. sah2 la org tahu kita x mampu kan? x mengate sesape k. ade jugak la yg sesuai bile carry such brand. nampak la gaya yg berada-ada tu kan. tp bf L sendiri pun pnah comment kot pasal branded stuff ni. rase mcm we all pnah borak2 pasal benda ni. ingat2 lupa la L. yg penting citarasa we all seiring dan sejalan. gitu! x memasal keluar topik. ;)
: : Mr. Google : :

ukur baju kt badan sendiri. x mampu buat gaya x mampu. lagi pun x salah rase untuk kita bersederhana. L prefer... barang tu nampak mewah. sesuai dgn harga and zero brand. sesuai la dgn keadaan semasa poket tu kan. kenapa zero brand? WHI penah kata 'dr hujung rambut sampai hujung kaki semua nak ade brand tu kalau boleh org nampak dr jauh... dah mcm iklan bergerak pulak...' hahahahaha. so true! memang pun. gaya mcm tu sebab nk org perasan yg ade kt badan kita tu semua ade brand.. betul x? bila ade brand... konon2 mampu sgt la nak pakai branded stuff ni kan? alih2 PS Boutique. mampoooo?!! ^____________________^

tapi...~ kalau duit tu dah berlebih2 sgt.. kalau nak beli pun beli lah. ape salahnye kan. dah mampu. duit sendiri. xkan org nak bising plak. yg bising tu dengki la tu kan... hahah. tapi, tuk diri ini, rase x tergamak lagi la letak rm1k tu cash nak bayar tuk handbag semata. huishhh! banyak lagi duit tu nak pakai tuk benda lain. x pun.... simpan! kalau ade emergency boleh nak pakai. kenalah beringat. ye x. bersyukur pun satu hal jugak :)

ade jugak sesetengah brg yg perlukan brand. contohnye smart gadget. yg ni perlu! sebab ia menentukan jangka hayat brg tu. bila bercakap pasal smart gadget ni x boleh x la... mmg ade yg sanggup laburkan duit tuk barang2 ni. tapi berbaloi rasenye pun kan. just like mine. L now using Blackberry Curve 9300. satisfied! sebab... dpt jodoh. (InsyaALLAH!) i can access my emails at anywhere and anytime. get connect with my BFF at anytime and anywhere. what else? get connect with my social account anywhere and anytime. it makes my life easier. ok la tu kan? ^________^

dah. malas nak bebel lg dah. nak study. esok ade test corporate communication. hopefully i can answer it. kate favourite subject.. kan?!! hehehehe. okbai!

be good my darling. etre fabuleux..~ calins et baisers. je'taime. Mwahhhhh!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LA FIN <3

Sunday, April 29, 2012

- sayang

'L... u tahu x yg ramai org sayang kt u?' 

that question enough to make air di mata ini bertakung. hahahah. serious. I dont really realize that ramai org sayang kan L. kawan yg ada boleh dikira. sebab L bukan jenis yg terlalu membuka pintu seluas2 untuk org lain masuk. bimbang terkena lagi? mungkin. yg sebenarnya L belajar dr pengalaman. and for me, biar tak ramai but we still keep in touch to each other. and I can trust them as well.

ok. actually, apa yg buat air mata kt mata ni bertakung ialah... dalam masa yg sama L bimbang jugak kalau2 L x sedar sebenarnya ada org yg sayangkan L dan tiba2 org itu hilang. hilang disebabkan dia rase tidak dihargai. inilah alasan yg paling logik pun kalau org tu nak menghilangkan diri... kan?

L memang x ramai kawan yg rapat. since I small. After primary school at SK Sg. Pelek L moved to AYSK for my secondary school at SMK Convent, Klang. then form 4 and form 5 at SMK Sg Pelek. and, the only closest friend that I have is Nana. susah senang L dgn dia lah. she never stop in supporting me. die jugak yg akan tolong2 carikan L kerja baru! die jugak yg dgr luahan hati L. semua die.

sampai L kenal babe and sha. thanks to boyer anyway. we know each other from INTERNET! and, yeahhhh. surprisingly, after 3 years we still BFF until now. i really can trust them. especially babe. ade jugak kawan! cumanya x ramai. heheh. memang susah nak buka pintu tu. most of the time L memilih untuk abaikan je. that's why la. memilih kan? tp L terpaksa. xde pilihan. andai ade yg sayangkan L tapi L sedar so L minta maaf sgt2 k.  could u please tell me that you worry about me? that u care about me...? boleh? :P
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Saturday, April 28, 2012

- 1CiTiZEN :)

a very informative course. serious.  all Malaysians need to seat for this course since this course will provide a lot of information about ICT and stuff. so, jgn lepaskan peluang ni ok.

penaaaaat..~! 5 hari kelas pun x terhadap and now kena attend kursus ni untuk 2 hari pulak. bukan biase2 punya kursus ok.  day 1st 7.45am to 5.30pm. day 2 8.30am to 3.30pm. day first tu L memang buat perangai sgt. keh3. tdo depan lecturer. texting. surfing internet. punye la pedih mata tahan ngantuk. actually kepenatan sebab x cukup rehat. 2 hari sebelum tu L tido 3 jam je. then sehari before tu otak mmg dah sedia penat sebab ade 2 meeting to in charge. meeting gamelan and meeting SIFE. hamikkk..~! semua nak hadap kan?? kalau layan penat mmg L x sanggup la nak buka mata seawal 7.00am pagi jumaat tu. heheheheh. gagahkan diri jugak! sebab kalau x amik hari tu, esok2 kena amik jugak. so, xyah la tangguh2.

in overall, kursus ni mmg sangat2 la bermanfaat. ade banyak benda yg L x pnah tahu.. atau pun kurang pasti L belajar kt kursus ni. semua 'e' L amik tahu. 'e-care' 'e-access' 'e-literate' and mcm2 'e' lg lah. paling x sangka L boleh siapkan portfolio tu walapun masanya sangat2 la singkat. and, in the same time kena study untuk test jugak. phewww..~! portfolio done! test pun lulus...~ ALHAMDULILLAH. lulus xde la cemerlang. org lain markah nak dekat 1000. L dpt 689/1000. yg penting L x meniru. markah untuk lulus 640 ye. hikmah program ni L dpt berkenalan dgn Pn Rohana. seriously I need her help in completing my assignment for MTS ;)

back to main business. class + assignments and SIFE. pending jobs - HSBC-YEC need to submit tomorrow. Psycholinguistic : preparation for questions and answer for Mid Term test. Mid term Test on Wednesday. MTS : assignment and also preparation for Mid Term test on this Thursday. so,
hahahahahah. yeaahhhh..~ i mean it! au revoir. je'taime. etre fabuleux! Mwahhhhhh...~!
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