i had a chance to meet my bf's family last weekend. more precise, on Tasha's wedding. i went there with my long-lost friend. x la long lost sgt. just lame x jumpe je. last jumpe last year. time kt KLCC. awal bulan 10. this time jumpa and ask for some help. L kan kurang upaya. hahah. sampai la ni xdak license. haihhhh!!!!
back to the point. about my bf's kids. kalau boleh la nak tabik spring tu my bf, memang L tabik spring dah. not only me, his friends said the same thing too. di kala org sibuk menceritakan remaja dan masalah sosial, hang out late night, x balik rumah, less respect to the older people, being selfish and etc, but not to his kids. SEMUA, sangat2 membanggakan. sangat. do respect the older, on the function itself masing2 buat kerja masing2. they managed to do it together like nothing happened. very close to each other.
so, mcm mane nak kate L x tabik spring to my bf? hehe. come on. bukan semua org boleh buat perkara tu ok. for your record, the sisters and the brother come from different mommies. but, like i said, nothing makes different. :)
siapa yg x bangga dengan anak2 yg mcm tu kan? goshhhhh. personally, L kalau jadi mommy pun terang2 la sejuk perut. xde ape nak risaukan sgt. pandai jaga diri masing2. when i asked about the recipe, my bf said, instill ur kids with all the positive attitudes, thus they will be positive as well. stop saying about the past. move forward. even on the last day i met my bf, his daughter still texted him and asked whether he had his lunch or not. see!!!! hebat kan?
so, future mommy and daddy yg ade terbaca post ni la kan... it is not impossible to have kids with such attitude nowadays. read a lot! try to understand their needs. owh! fyi, my bf is a single parent since last 14 years ago. so, what else that can make you to say it is impossible?
tepuk dada, tanya iman. being moderate at all the time, insyaAllah, it will help you to be patient in raise up your kids. my bf sangat2 menjaga halal and haram dalam pemakanan. sangat! he loves food but he does not eat foods without clear source. even though, that food being serve by Malay's stall. this is another tip to share. do not eat foods that contain with doubt source and do not eat what ever that not yours. clear?
ok. tipu la kalau L kata L x sayangkan bf. cuma, malu juga pada diri sendiri untuk mengaku tentang hal itu sedangkan pada yg Maha Pencipta pun L x mampu nak tunjukkan kasih sayang tu. ade jugak waktu2nya L kufur dgn nikmat. hurmmm. then, nak tergedik2 pulak declare
'i love my bf more than anything'? memang dah hilang akal la tu kan?? hahahah. what i'm trying to say here is, sayang biar pada tempatnya. understand ur limit. yes, i do love him because of himself. nothing else. :)
ouh. tipu la kalau L x jeles. kala ade sang teman mula merengek mengatakan ' i rase mcm something la bile jumpe bf u..' dan reaksi L '-_______________________________________________-' (i really don't understand what are you trying to say!) kalau rase nak kena tepuk muka tu... meh la cuba! haha. dlm ber'couple' memang xde istilah curang. curang hanya untuk mereka yg sudah mempunyai ikatan yg sah. tapi, x bermaksud kita boleh menggunakan hak itu sewenangnya. x salah pun untuk jujur pada diri sendiri, kan? :)
ok. penat dah membebel. wishing all my seniors, classmates and junior can do well in their final exam. 2 days to go and, L x study lg ni. nyum3. be good dears and darlings. je'taime. Mwahhh!
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